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Featured Site Texas Master Gardeners Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- Hosted and maintained by the well respected Aggie Horticulture Program at Texas A&M University, this is one of the largest online resources for Master Gardeners anywhere. There are valuable links to online problem solvers and search resources for gard
- http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/mastergd/mg.html

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Florida (Okaloosa County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- News from the association, with events, schedules, and information about the hotline.
- http://ocmga.org/

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Texas (Victoria County) Master Gardener Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Community Web Site of Victoria County, Texas, Master Gardener Association
- http://www.vcmga.org/

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Montana Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Montana Extension Service receives thousands of phone calls from home gardeners for information each year. Master Gardeners provide a valuable service to the community by helping Cooperative Extension meet this demand for information.
- http://gardenguide.montana.edu/mgardener/mgardenerindex.asp

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Nebraska Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes program, education and volunteering opportunities, local programs, and resources.
- http://extensionhorticulture.unl.edu/MG.shtml

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Georgia Master Gardener Open in a new windowLink Details
- General information plus a directory of Georgia (USA) master gardener groups.
- http://www.caes.uga.edu/departments/hort/extension/mastergardener/

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New Jersey Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Master Gardeners of Rutgers Cooperative Extension are a group of trained volunteers who provide horticultural programs and services to enhance their communities.
- http://njaes.rutgers.edu/mastergardeners/

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Vermont Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Learn about the Master Gardener Helpline for the University of Vermont Extension, Basic and Advanced training courses, and the placement of Master Gardeners in communities.
- http://www.uvm.edu/mastergardener

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New Hampshire Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener program was initiated in 1993. This site provides class topics and membership requirements for the program.
- http://extension.unh.edu/Agric/AGMastGD.htm

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Maryland (Charles County) Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- provides gardening, environmental, horticultural information; documents garden projects; includes flower, weed, garden links; Maryland University_CES_USDA sponsorship
- http://extension.umd.edu/gardening/masterGardeners/local/Charles/

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Missouri Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Membership and program information, online newsletter and links of interest to Missouri gardeners.
- http://extension.missouri.edu/mg/

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Virginia Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information about the program and local offices, with photo gallery and FAQ.
- http://www.hort.vt.edu/mastergardener/

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Oklahoma Master Gardens Open in a new windowLink Details
- This is a volunteer training program conducted by University Extension designed to help county extension centers meet the demands for consumer horticulture information.
- http://www.hortla.okstate.edu/hortla/mastergardener.htm

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Sonoma County Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- California group presents its events, projects, and publications, application information, and year-round gardening tips.
- http://groups.ucanr.org/sonomamg/

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California (Amador County) Master Gardener Info Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site features local MG program information, links to publications, online newsletter archive.
- http://ceamador.ucdavis.edu/Master_Gardener/

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Virginia (Virginia Beach) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site contains membership requirements and links to projects.
- http://www.vbmg.org/

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Nebraska (Scotts Bluff County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Program information and contacts.
- http://www.panhandle.unl.edu/mastergardener/mastergardener.htm

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Maryland (Queene Anne's County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides newsletter, projects, activities, and training information.
- http://extension.umd.edu/local/QueenAnnes/QACMG/index.cfm

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Texas (Tarrant County) Master Gardeners Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on the North Texas Master Gardeners program.
- http://www.tcmga.org/

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Texas (Collin County) Master Gardener Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- The program was formed in 1977, and is designed to increase the availability and extend horticultural projects throughout the community.
- http://www.ccmgatx.org/

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Tennessee (Shelby County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Website features horticultural information, volunteer projects, and member resources for Memphis area program.
- http://www.memphismastergardeners.org

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Tennessee (Rutherford County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- We're a diversified group who share in the love of serving the community through horticulture projects and volunteer activities. We share gardening knowledge with those who have an interest in plants, landscaping, and general gardening.
- http://www.mastergardeners-rc.org/

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Tennessee (Madison County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- There are nearly 100 active, certified Master Gardeners in Madison County, TN. Website offers project information, gardening "how-to's" and help guides.
- http://www.madisoncountymg.org/

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Tennessee (Haywood County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Since 2003, the program provides a means for graduates of the Tennessee Master Gardener classes to continue horticultural education and work on projects to enhance the community.
- http://www.haywoodmastergardeners.com/

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California (San Diego) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- California volunteer group trained under the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). Events, programs, speakers, FAQ, and links.
- http://www.mastergardenerssandiego.org/

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Newport News Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Virginia group offers online advice, a weekly tip, a listing of community events, and photo gallery.
- http://www.nnmastergardeners.org

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University of Arkansas Extension Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes history of and participation in the statewide program, provides an activity calendar and newsletter archive, and features a plant of the week.
- http://www.arhomeandgarden.org/master_gardener.htm

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Alaska Master Gardener Association - Anchorage Chapter Open in a new windowLink Details
- Overview of program and courses, garden clubs and public gardens, and newsletter archive.
- http://www.alaskamastergardeners.org/

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Iowa (Johnson County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Johnson County Master Gardener program is a volunteer organization coordinated by the Johnson County Extension and Iowa State University Extension. The site provides information on local projects, and the "Ladybug Line" for gardening informa
- http://www.extension.iastate.edu/johnson/info/gardenershome.htm

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Texas Master Gardener Open in a new windowLink Details
- Statewide association of organization composed of local associations and individual master gardeners in Texas. Event calendar, newsletters, awards, and membership information.
- http://www.texasmastergardeners.com/

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South Carolina Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- This volunteer training program is administered by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service, and is offered in 30 counties.
- http://www.clemson.edu/hort/scmg/

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El Paso County Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Part of the Texas Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University System in far west Texas.
- http://elpasotaex.tamu.edu/hg/mastergardener.html

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Utah Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides general information, links to county associations and extension offices, information on water-wise landscaping, and gardening links.
- http://utahmastergardeners.usu.edu/

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Champaign County Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Illinois extension office presents the program, with information on events and projects, online and on-location training, columns, and photo galleries.
- http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/champaign/mg/

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Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Virginia association presents its activities, training, calendar, and news.
- http://www.nsvmga.org/

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Michigan Master Gardeners Homepage Open in a new windowLink Details
- As a horticulture education and volunteer leader training program offered by Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) in over 20 counties throughout the state of Michigan, the website offers information on horticultural programs and class schedules arou
- http://web1.msue.msu.edu/mastergardener/

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California (Los Angeles) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Master Gardeners present hands-on workshops and research-based information for low-income county residents at their community gardens, housing development gardens, and school gardens. Contact information page.
- http://dir.gardenweb.com/directory/uccemg/

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New York (Tompkins County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Program resources and contact information for Tompkins County (Ithaca, NY).
- http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/tompkins/agriculture/master-gardener/

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New York (Yates County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Over 1,500 volunteer Master Gardeners in New York State (over 40 in Yates County) contribute educational services to meet the outreach mission of Cornell, influencing many thousands of consumers on horticultural issues.
- http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/Yates/MG.htm

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Pennsylvania Master Gardeners Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Penn State Cooperative Extension adopted the Master Gardener program in 1982. Currently, there are 1400 volunteers within 58 of Pennsylvania's counties.
- http://hortweb.cas.psu.edu/mg/

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Pennsylvania (Berks County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contact information and links.
- http://berks.extension.psu.edu/mg/

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Maine Master Gardener Web Site Open in a new windowLink Details
- Maine's Master Gardener Program provides participants with at least 40 hours of in-depth training in the art and science of horticulture. Trainees receive current, research based information from Extension educators and industry experts. In return, traine
- http://www.umext.maine.edu/mgmaine/welcome.htm

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Oregon (Josephine County) Master Gardener Open in a new windowLink Details
- Oregon State University extension service providing a schedule of community, social and educational events as related to the home gardener in Josephine County Oregon.
- http://jocomastergardeners.com

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Connecticut Master Gardeners' Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers its event calendar and gardening links, and describes outreach and continuing education programs.
- http://www.ctmga.org/

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Tennessee (Williamson County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- WCMGA is an organization nearing 200 members who share a love of gardening and a desire to have a positive impact in our community through expanded horticultural educational opportunity and volunteerism.
- http://www.wcmga.net/

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Purchase Area Master Gardener Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Western Kentucky group presents its events, activities, and schedule of classes.
- http://www.pamga.org/

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Purdue Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- A volunteer training program which provides an intensive education in Horticulture to those with an interest in gardening. In exchange for that training, program participants are required to volunteer one hour of service for each hour of training.
- http://www.hort.purdue.edu/mg/

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Tennessee (Cumberland County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Program information for Crossville, TN Master Gardener Association. We promote gardening through education and service.
- http://www.ccmga.org/

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Greater Greenville Master Gardeners (GGMG) Open in a new windowLink Details
- [South Carolina.] Description of the program, how to become a master gardener, members-only area, and past and future events (with photographs).
- http://www.greatergreenvillemastergardener.org/

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Albuquerque Area Extension Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Local gardening information including a FAQ, question submission, a catalogue of useful links, photos of weeds and insects, and how to become a Master Gardener.
- http://www.abqmastergardeners.org/

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Guidelines for the Master Gardener Program in Wyoming Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes the general program run by the University of Wyoming.
- http://www.uwyo.edu/CES/PUBS/MP109.pdf

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Colorado (Western) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The mission, history, workshops, and registration process of the Master Gardener program in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Ouray counties, of Western Colorado is described.
- http://www.coopext.colostate.edu/TRA/PLANTS/index.html#http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/TRA/PLANTS/mgp.html

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Tennessee Master Gardener Program (UT Extension) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tennessee Master Gardeners are trained volunteers that help the Extension Service share the latest and greatest gardening information. State-wide there are approximately 2,000 active Master Gardeners in 44 counties.
- http://mastergardeners.tennessee.edu/

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Louisiana Master Gardener Website Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Louisiana Master Gardener Program is a service and educational activity offered by the Louisiana Cooperative Service, designed to recruit and train volunteers to help meet the educational needs of home gardeners while providing an enjoyable and worthw
- http://www.lsuagcenter.com/mastergardener/

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Tennessee (Montgomery County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Active since 1994, the Master Gardeners in the Clarksville, TN area provide online information for their history, classes and volunteer projects.
- http://www.utextension.utk.edu/mastergardeners/montgomery/

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Missouri Garden 'n Grow Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Summer volunteer gardening program developed for 9 to 12- year-old youths. In the program, youths learn not only vegetable gardening, but also "cultivate" other science, math, and language arts skills and have fun.
- http://horticulture.missouri.edu/gng/index.htm

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Tennessee (Wayne & Hardin Counties) Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- This website provides a Tennessee Native Plant Guide, membership and a merchantile for Master Gardener items.
- http://www.netease.net/ut_ag_ext/MG/default.htm

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Alabama Master Gardener Info Open in a new windowLink Details
- The aim of the program is to provide the home gardener with the information needed to become a skilled gardener and after acquiring these skills share the knowledge with others through community service.
- http://www.alabamamg.org/

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Texas (Travis County) Master Gardener Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides horticultural information, including tips about gardening and composting.
- http://www.tcmastergardener.org/

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Maryland (Howard County) Master Gardeners Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sponsoring training classes conducted annually by Maryland Cooperative Extension. Articles on gardening basics and Maryland native plants.
- http://www.mastergardener.umd.edu/

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Oregon (Washington County) Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Part of the greater Portland Metro program which also includes Multnomah and Clackamas counties.
- http://extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/

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South Dakota Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Topics include lawn care, selection and care of ornamental trees and shrubs; insect, disease, and weed control; safe use of pesticides; soils and plant nutrition; vegetable, fruit and flower gardening; plant propagation and herbaceous plants.
- http://hflp.sdstate.edu/mg/mgarden.htm

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Tennessee (Davidson County) Master Gardeners Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing Master Gardener classes in horticulture and home gardening, and undertaking volunteer gardening projects for Metro Nashville, Davidson County and Middle Tennessee under the sponsorship of the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Servic
- http://www.mastergardener.net/tn/davidson/

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Minnesota Master Gardeners Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Content for this site includes links to an online gardening notebook for the state, yard and garden topics, newsletter, resources, questions and answers, and information on the Minnesota Master Gardeners program.
- http://www.mg.umn.edu/

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Iowa Master Gardener Info Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Iowa Extension Master Gardener Program is a large volunteer organization coordinated by Iowa State University Extension. Master Gardeners assist with horticulture-related programs and projects sponsored by ISU Extension. To date, over 4,000 people, lo
- http://mastergardener.hort.iastate.edu/

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California (El Dorado County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- A voluntary educational organization of Master Gardeners provides horticultural information and technical assistance. FAQs page provides information on gardening, pest management, soils, lawn care, pruning and fruit production.
- http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/counties/ceeldorado/Master_Gardener/

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Washington (Eastern) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- MG program information and contacts for Spokane area.
- http://www.spokane-county.wsu.edu/spokane/eastside/

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California (Los Angeles County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Volunteers in Common Ground Garden Program (Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, Fresh From the Garden, Gardening Angels School Garden Program) help low-income and underserved residents of Los Angeles County grow more of their own food and flowers.
- http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu

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Rhode Island Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Rhode Island program began in 1977. Through 2000, more than 1400 people have taken the training and 448 have earned the name "URI Master Gardener". These volunteers have donated more than 101,000 hours of time to Cooperative Extension.
- http://www.uri.edu/ce/ceec/mastergardener.html

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Indiana (Hendricks County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Official site for Hendricks County, Indiana, Master Gardeners. Information, current weather, newsletters (downloadable), Ask A Master Gardener feature.
- http://www.hendricksgardeners.com/

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Ohio Master Gardeners Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Guides for answering plant-related questions from 46 different land grant universities and government institutions across the United States and Canada.
- http://mastergardener.osu.edu/

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Oklahoma (Tulsa) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The emphasis is on Tulsa County, and its local plants, garden pests and weather. We have the latest, research-based information from Oklahoma State University, and will answer your gardening and plant questions.
- http://www.tulsamastergardeners.org/

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Virginia (Fairfax County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on the local MG program, Plant Clinics and their unique Diagnostic Lab program operated by a cooperative effort between the Fairfax County Libraries and County Extension office.
- http://www.fairfaxmastergardeners.com/

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California (Calaveras County) Master Gardener Info Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site for Calaveras County Cooperative Extension office has links for the local Master Gardener program, newsletter and calendar.
- http://cecalaveras.ucdavis.edu/

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New Mexico (Albequerque) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Featuring NM Master Gardener manual in PDF format also in HTML format. History of Albuquerque Area Master Gardeners, Bylaws, and Albuquerque Council of Garden Clubs.
- http://nmmastergardeners.org

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Georgia (Coweta County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online newsletter and program information for Coweta County.
- http://www.coweta.ga.us/Resources/masterg.html

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Texas (Galveston County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Galveston County Master Gardeners' web site is a comprehensive gardening resource for the Galveston County, Texas area.
- http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/galveston/index.htm

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West Virginia Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Master Gardener program and training are conducted by the West Virginia University Extension Service through the county extension offices. The training provides gardeners with the opportunity to improve their horticultural knowledge and skills and the
- http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/hortcult/master/index.htm

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Arizona Master Gardener Manual Open in a new windowLink Details
- Comprehensive online reference manual for gardening in the desert Southwest. Contains text search for the site.
- http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/index.html

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Texas (Dallas) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Texas Master Gardener program provides invaluable training and educational opportunities. Professional and amateur horticulturists, as well as persons simply seeking up-to-date horticultural information, can advance their gardening expertise, and gain
- http://www.dallasmastergardeners.org

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Washington (Western) Master Gardener Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- This is where the original Master Gardener program began nearly 30 years ago as an organization of university-trained volunteers who serve as educators for the home gardening community.
- http://gardening.wsu.edu/

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California (Santa Clara County) Master Gardener - Gardening Tips Open in a new windowLink Details
- Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County provide gardening advice to the home gardener.
- http://www.mastergardeners.org/tips/tips.html

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Arizona (Maricopa County) Master Gardeners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Home gardening and landscaping in the low desert including the Phoenix metropolitan area. This site includes its own search engine, monthly tips, calendar of events.
- http://ag.arizona.edu/maricopa/garden/

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