Xeriscape Gardening News - Monthly xeriscape gardening e-zine/newsletter with helpful gardening information and hints for water-wise, drought tolerant gardening. - http://www.highcountrygardens.com/features-offers/
Xeriscape Plant Selections and Ideas - North Dakota xeriscape information including zonal planting concepts, the importance of mulching, and lists of grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers. - http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/landscap/h957w.htm
Glendale Xeriscape Botanical Garden - Demonstration garden at an Arizona public library using drought-tolerant plants. Virtual tour, and listing of plants grouped by water requirements, with summary information for each. - http://www.glendaleaz.com/WaterConservation/xeriscapegarden.cfm
Water conservation - Xeriscape resource for residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico - http://abcwua.org/waterconservation/xeric.html
Xeriscape Council of New Mexico - Organization of horticultural professionals and gardeners provides information on its mission and goals, the annual conference, xeriscape references, and a list of gardens to visit in New Mexico. - http://www.xeriscapenm.com
Xeriscape Plan and Design - A guide to planning, designing, developing and maintaining a water-conscious landscape in Georgia. - http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/B1073.htm
Xeriscape - Provides detailed information on water conservation through xeriscape techniques and plant selection, and on the demonstration garden in Colorado Springs. - http://www.csu.org/environment/xeriscape/
Drought Resistance in the Home Landscape - Ohio State University fact sheet HYG-1643-94 on the use of drought resistant plants in the home garden. - http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1643.html
Waste Efficient Landscaping - Guide to preparing outdoor areas with drought tolerant plants to reduce water consumption. Also links to other xeriscaping resources. - http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/Organics/Xeriscaping/
Do-It-Yourself, Water-Wise, Sprinkler Systems - Ft. Collins Colorado provider of sprinkler and irrigation system designs and parts for those who want to save money by installing a drought survival system. - http://www.compsysforturf.com
Xeriscape Misconceptions - Mistaken beliefs often prevent acceptance of Xeriscape and these should be corrected. - http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/local/misconcept.html
David Winger Garden Photography - A collection of garden photographs including Xeriscape gardens. - http://www.portfolios.com/profile.html?MyUrl=DavidWinger
Summerland Xeriscape Garden - Planning practical turf areas, mulching, irrigation techniques, and a plant list for low-water gardening in the British Columbia southern interior region. - http://www.summerlandornamentalgardens.org/xeriscape/
A Water Resource for the Community Science Action Guide - Teaching students to use water wisely can help prepare citizens to ensure that there is plenty of safe, clean water for the future. - http://www.fi.edu/guide/schutte/water_overview.html
Xeriscape information - Resource for Xeriscape gardening including plants and water-saving information by Colorado State University - http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Xeris/xeris1.htm
Hotgardens - Advice about how to create a Mediterranean garden in a hot, dry climate using low water plants and trees. - http://www.hotgardens.net
Xeriscape Colorado - non-profit organization promoting creative approaches to water conserving landscapes - http://xeriscape.org
Texas Agricultural Xeriscape - Information for water conservation in Texas with information on lanscpae plants friendly to the climate. - http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/xeriscape/xeriscape.html
Xeriscape Plants - A few Xeriscape friendly plants provided by Aransas County Texas Cooperative Extension. - http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/aransas/xeriscape.htm
X Rated Gardening - Garden Centers of Colorado gardening guide for periods of heightened drought and watering restrictions - http://www.xratedgardening.com/