Maplelawn Historic Garden (Ottawa, Canada) - History, extensive photographs, links, tour and Friends' information for one of the oldest and best preserved walled gardens in Canada. Open to the public spring through fall. English and French versions. -
Gardens of Tuscany - Histories, descriptions and photos of villa and castle gardens in the Chianti zone of Tuscany. -
Ascog Hall Victorian Fernery and Gardens - Discovery and restoration of a 19th-century fernery on the Island of Bute in the Clyde Estuary. -
Pavilion Gardens - Thomas Jefferson, America's Third President, designed the gardens and buildings for the University of Virginia. -
Upton Grey Garden - The famous fully-restored 1908 Gertrude Jekyll garden in Upton Grey, Hampshire, England -
Tuileries Gardens - Paris - A Short Dark History By Jacqueline Donnelly. "In order to appreciate the gardens you must sit quietly and see the invisible". Several old illustrations. -