Glorious Butterfly - Step by step instructions on raising Monarch and Swallowtail Butterflies. Create a butterfly garden using nectar and host plants. Learn about the Monarch Migration. -
How to Make a Butterfly Garden - Instructions and pictures of correct plants, placement, preferred colors and butterfly anatomy. -
Floridoptera - Butterfly Gardening with Florida Native Plants and Flowers - Features a database of over 700 Florida native plants cross referenced to the butterflies they support. Records include zones, light, water and soil requirements, height and spacing, bloom times and colors. -
Neb Guide to Butterfly Gardening - Sections on butterfly anatomy and life cycle, commonly attracted butterflies in Nebraska, attracting butterflies, a list of plants to attract butterflies and additional reading. -
Smithsonian Butterfly Habitat Garden - Garden in Washington, D.C., with lists of host plants, tips and articles. -
Kingston Field Naturalists - A non-profit charitable organization, is to stimulate public interest in nature, the protection and preservation of wildlife, and to acquire and provide knowledge of natural history. -
Christina Mild's Rio Delta Wild - Articles about plants native to southernmost Texas, including notes on their use by butterflies. -
Butterfly Gardening - Tips from the Montreal Botanical Garden's Green Pages on how to make a garden that will attract butterfiles. Advice on planning the garden and choosing plants. -
WHS Butterfly Farm - Supplier of live butterflies and pupa, dried and framed butterflies from Marinduque, Philippines. -
Butterfly Gardening and Conservation - Information about many species of butterflies, including their life cycle, and the plants you can grow to attract them. -
Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening - Information on helping prevent the extinction of butterflies and hummingbirds by providing appropriate habitats. Suite 101 site. -
Gardening for Butterflies - Detailed article with photos, butterfly checklist, and list of plants useful to Australian butterfly gardeners. -
Milkweed Cafe - Offers informational books about raising, celebrating with and gardening for butterflies,as well as raising kits and gifts. -
Bloom's Butterfly Garden Basics - A butterfly garden planned and built by Thurgood Marshall Elementary School. Copy of plans, plants used and butterfly basics. -
Butterfly Garden Plant List - Names, colors, and sizes of plants used in a butterfly garden in Illinois, USA. -
Butterfly and Bird Gardening - Information on plants and shrubs specific to Florida to attract wildlife. -
The Butterfly Garden - Active forum provided by Ask questions, give answers. -
Milkweed Cafe's Butterfly Garden - Favorite host and nectar plants, and information on puddling, basking and shelter. -
Monarch Watch : Butterfly Gardening - Host plants and gardening tips to attract the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. -