Tamil Names with Numerology - Select and create your own baby name using a numerology chart. - http://babynames.looktamil.com/
Islamic Baby Names - Offers Islamic muslim baby names in Urdu and English, with meanings and translation for male and female. - http://www.urdupoint.com/name/
Oriya Baby Names - Collection of baby names from the state of Orissa. Includes spiritual and mythological names with their meanings. - http://www.orissaa.com/baby_index.html
Kerala Baby Names - Offers a collection of Indian names with their meanings. - http://www.cckerala.com/babynames/
Spiritual Names with Meaning - Sanskrit and Tamil names with attributes of divinity. - http://www.sripremananda.org/english/e7_more/e7b_home.htm
Indian Baby Names - Browse a collection of film and sports celebrity names. - http://www.hamaranews.com/babynamehome.jsp
India Gold Pages Baby Names - 17,000 baby names with meaning and origin. - http://www.indiagoldpages.ca/GPBName.asp
Anbutamil.com - Alphabetic list of Indian baby names of Tamil origin. Meanings provided for most names. - http://www.anbutamil.com
Rashis - Learn about Vedic zodiacal signs which form the basis of deciding Hindu names. - http://hinduism.about.com/library/weekly/extra/bl-zodiac.htm
India Parenting - Browse through a collection of names searchable by gender, raashi or alphabet. Includes mythological names. - http://www.indiaparenting.com/names/
Twin Names - Offers baby names with meanings including list of names for twin babies. - http://www.hindustanlink.com/parenting/index-babynames.html
Jain Names - A collection of male and female names with meanings. - http://jainfriends.faithweb.com/names.html
Rare Names from India - Collection of Indian baby names, rare names, and facts. - http://www.nameandfame.org
Baby Names By Indian Astrology - Baby names for all community. Also suggested names on the basis of astrology with meanings. Names for Hindu, Muslims, American, English, French, Germen, and Budhhist. - http://babynames.indastro.com/
Islamic names in Urdu - Browse to the letter of your choice and find a list of names starting with that letter. - http://www.urdulove.com/names-english.htm
Names on Birth Stars - Contains baby names based on baby's star sign. - http://www.informationcorner.com/Babynames/name_star.asp
Tamil Names - List of names and their origins compiled by Bala Swaminathan. - http://www.cs.utk.edu/~siddhart/tamilnadu/NAMES/
Names in Sanskrit - Baby names from different countries around the world, includes in sanskrit names - http://www.babyzone.com/babynames/theworld.asp?Action=List&Country=Sanskrit
Bengali Names - Features a collection of baby names in Bengali. Click on the name to know its meaning and significance. - http://www.kabalarians.com/male/bengalim.htm
Nriol Baby Names - Find alphabetical list of names with meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. - http://www.nriol.com/babynames/
Babynamesindia.com - Features names, parenting articles, pregnancy resources and newsletters. - http://www.babynamesindia.com/
Baby Names - Lists of names by alphabet, includes a brief thesaurus. - http://www.maxpages.com/babynames/