Her Able Hands - Personal weblog of a stay-at-home mother, writing about marriage, homeschooling children, writing, cooking, gardening, and the creative life. - http://herablehands.com/
StuntMom - "I quit my corporate job to stay at home, but we don't stay at home. This is what we do everyday." - http://www.stuntmom.com/
Zen Mama - Weblog of a stay-at-home mother to a toddler. Includes a photo album. - http://angelinecj.blogspot.com/
Domestically Challenged - Read the writings of a stay at home mom. - http://alanam.typepad.com/domesticallychallenged/
Stay-at-Home - Dedicated to the family, to inspire families to read together and to keep kids safe, particularly online. - http://www.stayathomemom.com/
Sharpmom.com - A thirtysomething stay-at-home mom of 2 young children, married and living the suburbian dream deep in the heart of Texas. It's fashion, fitness, family and fun for Moms everywhere. - http://www.sharpmom.com
Curam - An organization for Irish stay-at-home mothers who are interested in child development and the social and economic rights of the partner at home. - http://homepage.eircom.net/~with/
International MOMS Club - A non-profit support organization for at-home mothers, with chapters worldwide. - http://www.momsclub.org/
The Reign of Ellen - Tales of a stay at home cartoonist and mother. - http://www.thereignofellen.blogspot.com/
Mommysavers.com - Frugal living for thrifty stay at home Moms. - http://www.mommysavers.com/
Rantings of a Stay At Home Mom - Writings from an opinionated wife and mother plus plenty of pictures of her son. - http://rantathome.blogspot.com/
Hoolylooyah - Stay at home mom's humorous personal blog. Contains anecdotes, tips and witticisms. Content briefly touches on autism, weight loss, and foster parenting. - http://hollylooyah.blogspot.com
Mocha Moms Online - A support group for stay at home mothers of color with information on child rearing and other family topics. - http://www.mochamoms.org/
At Home Moms - Parenting and family information, recipes, workout tips, product recalls, "reality break," and mom-to-mom information. - http://www.athomemoms.com/