Moms of Georgia - An online community devoted to all the Mothers of Georgia. A place where you can seek support, advice, opinions, and wisdom from other Moms as well as share your own. -
NewTown Mums - Support network for Mums working in the creative arts, media, sciences & IT. Social events in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Nowra and regional NSW. -
Georgia Mom - Moms across Georgia, USA, sharing experiences, laughter, and forming new friendships. -
Southern Moms Online - Offers support and resources for all Moms and Mothers to be. Information on parenting, working at home, marriage, health. - - To allow Mothers across Australia to join a local Mothersgroup or create and manage their own Mothersgroup. -
MOPS NZ Newsletter - A regular newsletter to educate, enthuse, or entertain all Mothers of pre-schoolers and their supporters. Especially for Mothers Downunder. -
MOPS NZ - For Mothers of Pre-Schoolers in New Zealand. -
Indian Moms - Detailed parenting information, online doctors, home remedies, chat recipes, activities and information databank of Indian cities. -
Australian Parents - Forum style message board for Australian, NZ, and overseas parents. Everything from TTC, pregnancy, babies, kids, school, jokes, current affairs and general talk. -
Moms4Moms Club - Interactive club run by mothers for mothers in Singapore. -
Meet A Mum Association - UK registered charity which aims to provide friendship and support to all mothers and mothers-to-be, especially those feeling lonely or isolated after the birth of a baby or moving to a new area. -
Matching Moms - Free service which matches mothers of infants and toddlers with other mothers who live in their area. US and Canada. -