Tales From The Dad Side - A blog about being a husband and a father in the modern world. - http://talesfromthedadside.blogspot.com/
Papa's Diary.com - Follow a new father in his Do's and Don'ts on fatherhood as he documents his tips, mistakes and experience. - http://www.papasdiary.com
Gift of Fatherhood - Blog shareing personal journey into fatherhood. - http://giftoffatherhood.com
Diary of a Dad - A father's online diary in his lead-up to becoming a father for the first time. - http://cainzie.blogspot.com
Be A Good Dad - Personal blog pertaining to raising kids and trying to be a good father. - http://www.beagooddad.com
Winning the Custody War - A father's story of his battle to win custody of his son. - http://www.winningchildcustody.com
The Little Things - A father's journal containing positive quotes, motivations and inspirations about the little things in life. - http://www.chench.com/thelittlethings/
Two Okapis - A Digital Daddy Diary - Reflections of a man trying to be an involved Daddy with his twins, while working full-time outside the home. - http://www.jgs.net/twookapis
nappyfever - Personal blog about fatherhood and life. - http://nappyfever.blogspot.com
Talon - A father's journal about raising his son. - http://www.vishus.org
Fatherhood Blog - A fathers insights, thought, fears and pleas for advice on becoming a father for the first time. - http://www.johnskids.blogspot.com
Effects of Fatherlessness - Purports to offer US data on the effects of fatherlessness, including behavioral disorders, runaways, suicide, juvenile delinquency, and crime. - http://www.massey.ac.nz/~kbirks/gender/econ/nodad.htm
A Father's Journal - Insightful, humorous and often touching reflections on fatherhood, written by Forrest Seymour. - http://www.fathersjournal.com/
I'm Your Daddy .net - A father's journal about his day to day life as a father. - http://www.imyourdaddy.net
Father Love - Information source on fathering issues including articles by Craig Scott Brooke-Weiss. Although offered for Washington state, covers themes and ideas of general interest. - http://www.fatherlove.com/
Learning To Be Dad - The joys, pains and experience of being a Father for the first time. - http://learningtobedad.blogspot.com
Like Father Like... - Diary of a first time father. - http://www.likefatherlike.blogspot.com
MetroDad - Writing about experiences as a new Dad. - http://www.metrodad.typepad.com/
Family Rights on Absent Fathers - Reproduction of a media release on the effects of paternal deprivation. - http://www.massey.ac.nz/~kbirks/gender/fr697.htm
Westside Dad: Chronicle of an LA Father - Blog on fathering. News on dadissues such as coaching, balancing work and parenting, mentoring and teaching creativity. - http://westsidedad.blogspot.com
JeffsLife - Essays on being the father of a former preemie, and other topics. - http://www.jeffslife.net/
Dads View - One dad's experiences with his young son with tips about education and learning. - http://www.dadsview.com