Facts About Multiples: Conjoined Twins - Information on conjoined twins throughout the centuries, records of oldest, fastest separation etc. Diagrams on the types of conjoinment, as well as a list of conjoined twins in the world. - http://www3.telus.net/tyee/multiples/conjoined.html
Conjoined Twins - Includes two presentations: "Types of Conjoined Twins," which outlines how conjoined twins are classified by the point at which they are joined; and "Social History of Conjoined Twins," an essay detailing the history of conjoined twins - http://zygote.swarthmore.edu/cleave4.html
Herrin Twins - Site dedicated to the recently separated Herrin twins, Kendra and Maliyah. - http://herrintwins.com/
Joined: The World of Siamese Twins - History of conjoined twins, separation issues, recent cases, photos and profiles of conjoined twins. - http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/H/health/magazine/conjoined/index.html
Separated at Birth - Interview with Charles and Charleu Tenorio, born in 1973 in north-east Brazil. They were separated at nine months of age. [The Guardian] - http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,393722,00.html
Conjoined Twins - Separation Issues - Information on what conjoined twins are, as well as the ethical and moral issues that arise when separation is considered. - http://www.globalchange.com/conjoinedtwins.htm
Horizon: Conjoined Twins - Pictures and a transcript of an interview with the conjoined Schappell twins, and the Krivoshylapova twins. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2000/conjoined_twins.shtml
Types of Conjoined Twins - A breakdown of the types of conjoined twins, and what the types consist of. - http://zygote.swarthmore.edu/cleave4a.html
Twinstuff.com: Conjoined Twins - An essay on the types of conjoined twins, as well as pictures of some famous sets. - http://www.twinstuff.com/conjoined.htm
About.com: Conjoined Twins - Links to informative sites on conjoined twins, also known as siamese twins. - http://multiples.about.com/parenting/multiples/cs/conjoinedtwins/