eLook Recipes: Swiss - Recipes include Weggeliteig (Button Rolls), Brischtner Nytlae, and Roesti. - http://www.elook.org/recipes/european/swiss1.html
Swiss Red Chard - Recipe from chef David Swallow. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/swissredchard_4836.shtml
Switzerland: Food - Information about food in Switzerland, including some recipes. - http://www.about.ch/culture/food/
Sylv's Silver Spoon - Yahoo group dedicated to the tasty Swiss (and other) cuisines; group is moderated and membership restricted. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/silverspoon/
Three Swiss Recipes - Recipes from Martin Wyss, chef of the Swiss Inn in Hawaii. - http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/wchuang/cooking/recipes/Meats/Veal_Emince.txt
RecipeSource.com: Swiss Recipes - Twenty recipes from Argovia Carrot Cake to Taillaule. - http://www.recipesource.com/ethnic/europe/swiss/