Pork Recipes - Old fashioned pork recipes for chops, tenderloin, roast, loin, sausage, and ribs. - http://recipes.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Category:Pork_Recipes
All Recipes: Pork Recipes - Hundreds of recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. - http://allrecipes.com/recipes/meat-and-poultry/pork/main.aspx
All Recipes: Appetizer Pork Recipes - A collection from Asparagus Rolantina to Zucchini and Pork Soup. - http://allrecipes.com/recipes/meat-and-poultry/pork/appetizers/main.aspx
Florida Pork Recipes - Includes guava pork chops, Cuban style roast pork, sweet potato and smoked sausage soup, and pork chops with plantain mash. From the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. - http://www.florida-agriculture.com/recipes/pork/index.htm
Alberta Pork Recipe Collections - A collection of recipes featuring pork products. Color photos of each recipe. - http://www.albertapork.ca/
Pork Fat Rules! - Recipes using various different cuts of pork. - http://porkfatrules.dodgen.us/
CookitSimply.com: Pork - Methods of cooking pork and ham. Includes recipes. - http://www.cookitsimply.com/pork-recipes-0020-0i5.html
Glen's Place: Pork Recipes - Recipes include Pork Chop Casserole, Pork Chops in Onion Sauce, and Bourbon Citrus Pork Chops. - http://www.glensplace.com/Pork.html
Nikibone.com: Pork Recipes - Large list includes recipes for Pork Souvlaki, Cabbage and Bratwurst, and Onion Mustard Crusted Pork Loin. - http://www.nikibone.com/recipe/pork.html
Pepperfool.com: Pork Recipes - Recipes include Hunan Pork, Pork Satay, and Deviled Chops. - http://www.pepperfool.com/recipes/pork_idx.html
Foodgeeks.com: Pork Recipes - Includes recipes for Ham, Ribs, Bratwurst, Hot Dogs, Italian Sausage Recipes, Kielbasa, Pork Chops, and Sausage. - http://foodgeeks.com/recipes/subcat.phtml?cat_id=12&subcat_id=6
Gourmet Pork Recipes - Recipes include Cherry Almond Glazed Pork, Ham with Coconut and Kiwi, and Parmesan Pork Chops. - http://www.free-gourmet-recipes.com/pork.shtml
Bed and Breakfast Pork Recipes - Virginia Ham Tarts and Marinated Pork Tenderloinin Orange Sauce. Especially exotic are Pilotas, a Catalan recipe of Arabic origin. - http://www.lanierbb.com/recipes/pork.html
RecipeSource: Pork Recipes - Includes recipes such as Pork Schnitzel, Cajun Pork Roast, and Sage Pork Tenderloin. - http://www.recipesource.com/main-dishes/meat/pork/
OtherWhiteMeat.com Pork: The other white meat - National Pork Board sponsored website to promote pork products by providing recipes and answering health and other questions. - http://www.otherwhitemeat.com/
Teri's Kitchen: Pork Recipes - Recipes categories include, roasts, steaks and cutlets, ribs and chops, sandwiches, and stews and casseroles. - http://teriskitchen.com/pork.html
Recipezaar: Pork Recipes - Search for a particular pork dish or browse pork recipes by course, cuisine, or preparation. - http://www.recipezaar.com/browse/index.zsp?path=00E066
Ontario Pork - Information on pork cuts, facts, recipes and cooking tips. - http://www.porkpeople.com/
iChef: Pork Recipes - A collection of pork recipes that are alphabetically indexed. - http://www.ichef.com/recipe.cfm?task=categorysearch&recipecategoryid=58&filterid=recipecategoryid&letter=all&maxrows=100000
Farmer John - Includes recipes using ham, bacon, sausage, franks, ribs, pork chops and luncheon meats. - http://www.farmerjohn.com/
CooksRecipes.com: Pork Recipes - Collection of pork recipes listed by category including chops, roasts and stir-fried. - http://cooksrecipes.com/category/pork.html
Better Homes and Gardens: Pork Recipes - A selection of recipes including Peppered Pork with Chive Sauce and Five-Spice Pork Tenderloin. - http://www.bhg.com/home/Pork-Recipes.html
Better Homes and Gardens: Pork Loin Recipes - A selection of pork loin recipes including Grape Stuffed Pork Loin Rolls and Pork Diane. - http://www.bhg.com/home/Pork-Loin-Recipes.html
All Easy to Prepare Pork Tenderloin Recipes - Collection includes Raspberry Vinegar Pork Chops, Pork Tenderloin Casserole, and Stir-Fried Pork. Includes free recipe exchange newsletter. - http://www.nancyskitchen.com/pork_tenderloin_recipes_1.htm