GORP - Gear Guide: Sleeping Bags - Information on how to buy and what to look for when purchasing gear for all your outdoor activities. - http://gorp.away.com/gorp/gear/bg_sbags.htm
Outside Online - 2003 Buyer's Guide: Sleeping Bags - Outside Magazine's guide to sleeping bags, including how to select the best bag, how to care for your bag, and reviews of the top sleeping bags tested by Outside's experts. - http://outside.away.com/outside/buyersguide2002/sleeping_bags/index.adp
eBuying Guides: Where to Buy Sleeping Bags - Concentrates on where to buy and shop for products, but also has staff-produced buying guides for over 200 products. Some of the guides are links to other buying guide sites. Accepts no payments for listings. - http://www.ebuyingguides.com/where/sbag_w.htm
Epinions: Sleeping Bags - Consumer-generated reviews, buying tips and advice, ratings, price information, and searchable in a variety of ways from price to product type. - http://www.epinions.com/otdr_Camping-Sleeping_Bags