Ladies Home Journal: Sexual Health - Find information about reproductive and sexual health. Topics include sex and marriage, techniques and tips, and sexual issues. -
The Women's Sexual Health Foundation - Non-profit organization founded by women to provide educational information to the public and healthcare providers. Includes surveys, newsletters, reader stories, and research findings. Educational brochures can be downloaded. -
eMedicine: Female Sexual Problems - Consumer health resource center providing information on female sexuality. -
eMedicine: Pain During Intercourse - Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of painful intercourse. -
The Anatomy of the Clitoris - "Study Claims Clitoris Larger Than Thought," by Althaea Yronwode in Synapse, the campus newspaper of the University of California at San Francisco Medical School. -
The Center for Sexual Awakening - Dr. Erica Goodstone. Sex counseling, sex therapy and body psychotherapy can help solve marriage and relationship problems as well as sexual dysfunctions. Services, articles, and poems. -
The Gräfenberg Spot - A paper on the existence, location, and significance of the Gräfenberg spot (G-spot) in sexual function, with relevant links. -