Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in Cats - According to recent research, secondhand smoke causes feline malignant lymphoma. -
OncoLink: Environmental Tobacco Smoke - Updated February 2000 to include latest research. -
Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke: Lung Cancer - Characterizes the risk and provides a bibliography of the research literature that establishes the risk. -
Exposure to Spouse's Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - Long term smokers increase their spouses' risk of developing lung cancer by more than 20%, according to a new report. -
Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer - The largest review to date examined 50 studies on secondhand smoke, and concludes that secondhand smoke causes cancer of the lung, uterus, cervix, liver, and kidneys. -
NERC Bibliography on Tobacco smoke and Cancer - Over 700 references to the scientific literature. From the National Environmental Respiratory Center. -
WHO: Passive Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the record straight: secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in non-smokers. -
Involuntary smoking causes breast cancer - Summary of Swiss study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology that studied 1300 women. -
Environmental Tobacco Smoke - Cancer Facts from the National Cancer Institute. Summary and bibliography on effects of secondhand smoke. Additional publications you can send for. -