Lycocard - The EU project started in April 2006, to investigate the role of lycopene - found in high concentration in tomatoes - in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. -
The Healthy Refrigerator - Offering healthy eating tips. Includes facts about diet and heart-healthy eating, recipes, and contests for kids and adults. -
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention - Article on diet, exercise and supplements and their role in preventing and treating heart disease, by Elson M. Haas MD. -
Policosinol - Policosinol is a safe nutrient which has been shown to lower cholesterol without the negative side effects of drugs. Research findings on this dietary supplement. -
Cardiovascular Disease - Information and links on research, heart disease statistics, treatment, drugs, and support groups. -
How Stuff Works: Diagnosis of Heart Disease - A medical doctor provides an in-depth look at the diagnosis of heart disease, heart attacks and angina, including X-rays and stress tests. -
Nutrition, Health and Heart Disease - Public interest page with heart and health tips about foods, vitamins and supplements, with their effect on cardiovascular problems. -