The Paleolithic Diet Page
- A page of annotated links to sites for the Paleolithic Diet, also called a hunter/gatherer diet. Includes articles and interviews with leading proponents of the Paleodiet.
Raw Paleolithic Diet - A support group for those who wish to follow a raw version of the Paleolithic diet. -
Australian Bushfoods - Describes wild seeds, fruits, herbs and vegetables eaten by the aboriginal gatherer-hunters of Australia. -
The African Marula Fruit - Notes from the Kew Garden survey of economic plants for arid areas on the marula fruit, a fruit which is used extensively by African people, and is authentically paleodiet. -
Beyond Vegetarianism - Refutes several vegetarian, raw-food, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating assertions and discusses paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition in considerable depth. -