Avant Forums - For indepth discussion and scientific information regarding popular nutritional products. - http://www.avantlabs.com/forum/
A1 Nutrition Forums - Offering to discuss nutrition, fitness, bodybuilding, weight loss and related issues. - http://forums.a1nutrition.com/
VitaTalk.com - Covers nutrition and various health-related issues. - http://www.vitatalk.com/
Protein Power - Offers news and feature articles and discussion forum. - http://www.proteinpower.com/
Atkins All The Way - Articles dedicated to debunking the myths surrounding the eating plan. Recipes, galleries of member's before and after pictures and a large message board covering a number of topics. - http://www.atkinsalltheway.com/
1Fast400 Nutrition Forums - Offers free forums for the discussion of nutritional supplements and training. - http://forums.1fast400.com/
FoodExperts.net - A question and answer forum moderated by a board of food and nutrition experts who give answers to food-related questions. - http://www.foodexperts.net/
Feed For Speed - Sports nutrition and training discussion forum. - http://www.feedforspeed.com/
Dietitian Central - Features nutrition forums, articles, nutrition news and polls, nutrition links, and nutrition information for the nutrition professional as well as the general public. - http://www.dietitiancentral.com/
Health Success - Group that shares fitness and nutrition tips and ideas concerning health issues and weight loss. Eating habits, weight loss, and diabetes education materials available. - http://www.healthsuccess.com/
Metabolism.com - Includes forums, articles, and newsletters about nutrition. Answers questions on cholesterol and high blood pressure. - http://www.metabolism.com/
Ask the Dietitian - Information about many health and nutrition questions. Online weight and calorie calculator. - http://www.dietitian.com/