Hearing Voices Group - To raise the awareness and offer support to those suffering from voice hearing, visions, tactile sensations and other sensory experiences.Links to resources and related sites and news of future conferences. - http://www.bdhvg.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
Washington Advocates for the Mentally Ill - Addressing the needs of individuals with mental illness and their families through advocacy, public education, information and referral, and self-help support groups. - http://www.nami-greaterseattle.org/
Helping Voices - Information and peer-support for people with schizo-related disorders and their loved ones. - http://s3.invisionfree.com/Helping_Voices/
Cumberland County Chapter of the SSNS - Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia. - http://eros.lunarpages.com/~openpo2/cumberlandcountychapter.ssns/
Caregiver's Roadmap - Schizophrenia - Support guide for family members and friends of people living with schizophrenia. - http://www.abilify.com/abilify/roadmap/index.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&channelName=Left_Navigation%2f500%40Caregivers_Roadmap
Viska or Whisper about Schizophrenia - Support site and whistle-blower for Swedish sufferers with chat, discussion, information and do-it-yourself section. English section with information about schizophrenia news in Sweden. - http://hem.passagen.se/sir.nil/
Voice Hearers Mailing LIst - Email support and information group for people who hear voices. Coping strategies, tips, articles and personal stories. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/voice-hearers/
eGroups Schiz456 - A discussion and support forum for those who have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, as well as their families and loved ones. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Schiz456
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society - A Canadian support group offering assistance to those afflicted with this diagnosis. - http://www.mss.mb.ca/
Sane Australia - Online help group designed to help individuals with Schizophrenia as well as other related mental illnesses. - http://www.sane.org/
Open the Doors - Schizophrenia - World Psychiatric Association website providing in-depth resource information for professionals and resources for individuals and families affected by the disease. - http://www.openthedoors.com/
World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders - An international education and support network for families and friends of people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. - http://www.world-schizophrenia.org/
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society - Victoria Branch - A non-profit society providing support and resource information to families and their ill relatives. Provides location and contact information for programs and resources in numerous countries. - http://bcssvictoria.gq.nu/
Schizophrenia Society of Alberta- Edmonton Support Centre - Providing support to people in need of information about schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Services include family meetings and peer support. - http://www.ssa-edmonton.com/