Centre for Clinical Interventions - Based in Western Australia and conducting clinically applied psychosocial research. Features online self-help modules for adults suffering from anxiety, mood and eating disorders. - http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/
BBC Mental Health - Aims to help people understand the range of mental health conditions, promote positive emotional health, and provide information and resources for getting help and treatment. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/mental_health/
Philadelphia Mental Health Resources - Information about mental health conditions, medication, treatment, resources, and related topics. - http://mentalhealth.wsresources.com/index0.htm
WebMD - Mental Health - Consumer health information on mental health, written and reviewed by WebMD doctors. - http://my.webmd.com/medical_information/condition_centers/mental_health/default.htm
Twilight Bridge - Offers an open counseling forum, newsletter, mental health videos, and links to mental health resources. - http://www.twilightbridge.com/
Planet Psych - Offers information about disorders, treatments, self-help techniques, therapist directory, interactive quizzes, a bulletin board, and a chance to receive free answers from a therapist to your questions. - http://www.planetpsych.com
Mental Health Resources - Mental health resources from all over the Net along with regular original features from about.com. - http://mentalhealth.about.com/?once=true&
The Madness Group - Creates a decentralized electronic forum and distribution device. People who experience mood swings, fear, voices and visions can exchange strategies for changing existing public mental health systems, and provide each other mutual support. - http://www.peoplewho.org/madness/index.htm
Internet Mental Health - The 52 most common mental disorders, medications, news, recovery stories, links. - http://www.mentalhealth.com/
InteliHealth - Mental Health - Diagnosis and treatment information, medical commentaries, and news on a wide range of mental health issues. - http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/8271/8271.html
Help Center - Information on many topics including family and relationships. Quality articles and a resource for finding psychologists. Resources for dealing with everyday problems. From the American Psychological Association. - http://helping.apa.org/
First Person - Provides accounts, opinion, poetry and artwork by people who have mental health conditions. - http://www.1stpm.org/
At Health - Covers mental health diseases and conditions. Newsletter, practitioner directory, treatment center directory, featured articles, and a bookstore. - http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/
Merck: Mental Health Disorders - Information about mental health disorders from the Merck Manual, Home Edition. - http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec07.html
Psychological.com - Concise descriptions of all mental health disorders, questions answered by a psychologist, and details of consultation and referral services. - http://www.psychological.com/
Harvard Mental Health Letter - For nearly two decades, this newsletter has delivered information, current thinking and debate on mental health issues that concern professionals and laymen alike. - http://www.health.harvard.edu/hhp/publication/view.do?name=M
Dual Diagnosis - For co-occurring mental illness and substance disorders: diagnosic criteria, treatment modailities, articles and chapters to read or download, up coming events, materials and services for program development and training. - http://users.erols.com/ksciacca/
Support For Healing - Support forum for sufferers of depression, anxiety, panic disorders and other mental health problems. - http://supportforhealing.com
The Limbic Region - Group for chats, support, links, and news related to mental health. - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/thelimbicregion/
Bellaonline Mental Health Archive - Mental Health archive of articles and information at BellaOnline. - http://www.bellaonline.com/archive/MentalHealth
CounsellingResource.com - Provides educational materials on mental health and psychotherapy, including diagnostic criteria, descriptions of different therapeutic approaches, an extensive bibliography, discussion and support groups, and book reviews. - http://counsellingresource.com/
Dialogues in Clinical NeuroSciences - Interface between clinical neuropsychiatry and the neurosciences - information and insights into clinical, biological, and therapeutic aspects. - http://www.dialogues-cns.org
Doctor Z - Dr. Scott Zentner, board-certified psychiatrist, shares his insights about controversial psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Malingering. - http://doctorz.home.mindspring.com/
Psychology Helps - Information for self-help, newsletter articles, links, and book reviews. - http://www.psychologyhelps.org
Counseling and Therapy News - News and commentary for counseling, psychotherapy, social work, mental health, psychology, and therapy. - http://www.counseling-news.com
Find the Light Online Support Group-Mental Health - Information and online support for people suffering from Anxiety Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Mood Disorders (Bipolar, Depression). I - http://www.findthelight.net
STAND - An information service promoting better understanding of mental health problems including stress, anxiety and depression. - http://www.depression.org.uk/
In Transition - A mental health column written for anyone wanting greater awareness about issues concerning mental health and mental illness. - http://www.armchair.com/aware/transit.html
HealthyPlace.com Mental Health - Information, call-in radio show, personal stories, chats, forum, resources and recommended reading regarding all mental health disorders. - http://www.healthyplace.com
End All the Pain - Information & support for people with mental health disorders and dysfunctional behaviors. - http://www.endallthepain.com
Mental Health Glossary - Terms in the fields of psychiatry and neurology defined. - http://www.abess.com/glossary.html
Mental Health Today - Mental health information, communities, books, support, suicide hotline and resources and questions boards for both consumers and clinicians. - http://www.mental-health-today.com/
Psychiatry Matters.MD - Comprehensive psychiatry resource for physicians including information based on DSM IV, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and others plus latest news and webzine. - http://www.psychiatrymatters.md
Mental Health Channel - Information, news, resources, recommended reading, chats, and forums regarding mental health disorders. - http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/
Soul's Self Help Central - Information, links, journal entries and resources regarding a range of mental health disorders - borderline personality disorder, DID, eating disorders and others. - http://www.soulselfhelp.on.ca/
SimplePsych - Answers to questions about mental health. Therapies, conditions, and the difference between psychiatry and psychology. - http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/simplepsych/index.html
PsychPage.com - Articles on psychological problems and education for depression, counseling, therapy, anxiety, child abuse, domestic violence, self help groups - http://www.psychpage.com/
Psychological Resources - Adult and children behaviour and learning problems - additional information available by e-mail upon request. - http://webhome.idirect.com/~beech1
PlanetPsych Mental Health Disorders - Material and links to relevant sites organized by groups of disorders. Self-help section, ask a therapist, depression test, compatibility quiz, bulletin board, newsletter, bookstore and a therapists' directory. - http://www.planetpsych.com/zPsychology_101/Disorders/index.htm
Dr. John Grohol's Psych Central - Mental health and psychology resources - Articles, essays, blog, support forums, Ask the Therapist, chats, website reviews, frequently asked questions, news, book reviews. - http://psychcentral.com/
Northern County Psychiatric Associates - Resources, articles and information on mental health issues. Includes women's mental health, depression and stress, ADHD and other mental health disorders. - http://www.ncpamd.com/index.htm
Mental Health InfoSource - Disorders - Material regarding mental health disorders - articles from "Psychiatric Times", related sites, "Ask the Expert" Q&A, diagnosis and treatment. - http://www.mhsource.com/disorders/index.html
Mental and Emotional Health Disorders - The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide chapters on mental and emotional health disorders. Organized according to DSM IV - symptoms, diagnoses, prevalence, treatment. - http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/texts/guide/toc/toc33.html
Psychiatric Case Histories - Psychiatric case histories - anamnesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. - http://www.twilightbridge.com/truestories/index.htm
Mental Health Net - Mental Disorders Index - Mental disorders: Index of symptoms and treatment, web resources, free books, referral to clinicians and communities. - http://www.mentalhelp.net/disorders/
Lichtenstein Creative Media - Home to the mental-health oriented "The Infinite Mind" and "Voices of an Illness" public radio programs. - http://www.lcmedia.com/
KCPsych.com - A general mental health guide with a psychiatrist answering questions, and republished psychiatric information and links. - http://www.kcpsych.com
Health In Mind - Mental health information site in English and Spanish. Provides descriptions of disorders, treatments,links, referral to professionals, with emphasis on issues relevant to families. - http://healthinmind.com/english/mhdisorders.htm
Internet Mental Health Disorders - Mental health disorders - diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, articles, research and links. Organized alphabetically. Both the American (DSM) and the European (ICD) descriptions are provided. - http://www.mentalhealth.com/fr20.html
Fenichel's Online Mental Health Resources - Online articles, resources and research tools regarding mental health disorders (including rare ones) assembled and reviewed by a clinical psychologist. - http://www.fenichel.com/MHRing.shtml
Psych Pages - Over 200 articles and book reviews on topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, aging, emotions, marriage and relationships, divorce, and stepfamilies. - http://psychpages.com
Crescent Psychiatric Disorders - Articles covering most mental health disorders. - http://www.crescentlife.com/disorders/psychdisorders.htm
Brain-Mind.com - The brain, the mind and mental health disorders from an alternative (non Neo-Darwinistic) view. - http://brain-mind.com