Patti's Panic Place - Help and information on coping with PAD with/without Agoraphobia. -
Agoraphobia Insight - Information, treatment options, help finding treatment, and articles on Agoraphobia. -
Agoraphobics In Motion (A.I.M.) - Self-help group assisting people in recovering from agoraphobia and anxiety disorders. Utilizes behavioral and cognitive techniques such as positive thinking, relaxation, support, visualization, goal setting, exercise, and humor. Lists contacts for meetin -
State Wide Agoraphobia Group - Australia volunteers giving support and information to sufferers and their helpers. Offers definitions, symptoms, and treatment options. Self-help recovery manuals and emergency tips provided. -
Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder Recovery - The APD Foundation provides information and guidance through articles on cognitive-behavioral approaches, meditation techniques, and personal stories. -
ENcourage Connection - Dedicated to providing quality information, inspiration and ideas for those working toward recovery from excessive anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. Includes Anxiety/Panic message board, basic information, special tips, list of resources and links, and is t -
Agoraphobics Building Independent Lives - ABIL is a non-profit group with a mission to provide hope, support and advocacy for people suffering from debilitating phobias, panic attacks and/or agoraphobia by establishing self-help groups and providing public education. -
Internet Mental Health - Agoraphobia - American and European descriptions of this condition; information about diagnosis, treatment, and research; and booklets and magazine articles. -
What is Agoraphobia - A short description of Agoraphobia -