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Total Family Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Wynot Feel Better is a source of online counseling for families and individuals and utilizes Life Innovations techniques.
- http://home.bellsouth.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=13430

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About Feelings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides counselling services and medical hypnosis, both online and in Wenatchee, Washington, USA. Includes fee schedules and staff details.
- http://www.aboutfeelings.com

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Marajak Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mary-Anne Schmittle offers advice and problem solving to adults and young people. Includes description of services, credentials, testimonials and contact details.
- http://marajak.com/

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Client-Centered Counseling Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Get free contact with a counselor. Then decide if further sessions are useful for you. All questions, problems and ideas can be addressed. Counseling by e-mail or private chat. Site available in English, French, and German.
- http://perso.orange.fr/therapie.centre/center/

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The WebCounseling Site Open in a new windowLink Details
- Prescreened mental health professionals (counselors, therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists) are matched to client's information.
- http://home.nww.net/willcars/index.html

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TheCounselors.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering online, email, and phone counseling.
- http://www.thecounselors.com/index.html

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The Samaritans Open in a new windowLink Details
- A UK charity offering support to people who are suicidal or despairing, and are on hand 24 hours a day, every day of the year. An English Language Email service is available to anyone needing emotional support, throughout the world.
- http://www.samaritans.org/

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Psychology Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- A client - counselor facilitator; which offers real-time chat counseling, open community forums moderated by professional counselors, and links to crisis centers.
- https://www.psychologyonline.com

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Psybersquare Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online therapy using hosted chat, interactive exercises, informative articles and Ask the Expert Boards.
- http://www.psybersquare.com

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Psicoterapia Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online psychiatry clinic staffed by mental health professionals - doctors and psychologists based and trained in Spain and the UK.
- http://www.psicoterapiaonline.net/

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Peace and Happiness Institute Open in a new windowLink Details
- Showing people how to have peace and happiness in their day to day lives and in times of distress. Offers individual, family, and couples counseling.
- http://peaceandhappinessinstitute.com

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MyTherapynet.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides confidential online therapy and life coaching. Services are conducted via real time chat, audio and/or videoconferencing. Book a session in advance or use E-mmediate care.
- http://www.mytherapynet.com

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Lets Talk Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counseling service that offers live video and audio counseling in a secure environment with certified counselors.
- http://letstalkcounseling.com

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Hotline Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Counseling via email, telephone, video conferencing, or chat. Includes national services and general informational or referral services.
- http://www.hotlinecounseling.com

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HelpHorizons.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counseling services offered by dozens of licensed professionals. Site also offers informative articles for consumers and professionals, chats, and support forums.
- http://www.helphorizons.com

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Goslings Counselling International Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counselling and emotional learning using secure email, telephone, or private real-time chat rooms.
- http://www.goslings.net

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Find a Therapist Online Therapy Service Open in a new windowLink Details
- Consult a professional, licensed therapist. Our network of experienced, highly qualified clinicians is available to provide e-therapy services.
- http://www.find-a-therapist.com/onlinecounseling/etherapy.htm

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Cyber Therapy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers professional cyber therapy services. People can chat with a professional therapist through a virtual office. List of therapists and scheduling information.
- http://www.thecybershrink.com

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Cyber Psychology Open in a new windowLink Details
- Advice on line from educational psychologists and specialist teachers. Testing and ongoing services available from psychologists (UK).
- http://www.educational-psychologist.co.uk

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Counselling Skyways Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counselling with a group of experienced counsellors who have had specialist training in working on the Internet.
- http://www.counsellingskyways.onlineuk.org

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Change For Good Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a variety of self-hypnosis audiotapes, free reports and online therapy and counseling.
- http://www.changeforgood.com

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BriefCounseling.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Experienced network of clinical psychologists for marriage, family, divorce, and depression problems. Immediate help by phone or email. Rational Emotive Behavior therapy specialists.
- http://www.briefcounseling.com

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Jennings Anger Management Counselling Practice Corporation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers services in office (southern Ontario), by telephone, or through web chat.
- http://www.angeronline.com

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Psychology Consultants Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers discrete appointments. Provides consulting, advice, therapy, counselling, coaching, and absolute confidentiality.
- http://www.psychologyconsultants.com

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Center for Health Under Stress Open in a new windowLink Details
- Psychologist and personal trainer offer coaching on promoting health by reducing stress, whether in daily life or due to chronic illness.
- http://www.optimums.com

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A Brighter Tomorrow Open in a new windowLink Details
- A teacher in San Francisco offers books and counselling services, with background, fees and testimonials.
- http://www.brightertomorrow.net

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Hozumi Clinic Open in a new windowLink Details
- For Japanese and non-Japanese residents in the Tokyo area, in Japan, or abroad, who are experiencing problems, need support or who are just interested in counseling.
- http://www.hozumiclinic.com

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JLKM Counselling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Judy Lawrence and Katey Moody offer e-counselling including email therapy, as well as one-to-one counselling. East Surrey and Mid Sussex areas.
- http://www.jklmcounselling.org

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Mark Jordan - Peace, Joy, Love Open in a new windowLink Details
- Email counseling, chat sessions, and telephone therapy. Offers pre-paid session discounts.
- http://www.peace-joy-love.org

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The Lahdini Center for Mindfulness Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brings the benefits of psychotherapy to the public. Offers an opportunity to establish a relationship with a trained psychotherapist via telephone, email, or online session.
- http://www.lahdini.com

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Dr. Franklin Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Counseling via email, instant messaging, video conference, or telephone. List of qualifications, services, and fees.
- http://www.drfranklin.net

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Online Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Administered by Sharyn Matidis M.A.I.P.C. using solution-focused therapy, person centered therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, gestalt therapy and family therapy.
- http://www.online-counseling-service.com

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Caring Therapy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Therapy by email, chat, and telephone, including online medical advice, from psychiatrist, Ron Sterling, M.D. Professional help for personal, social, emotional, and sexual issues.
- http://www.dearshrink.com/cyber.htm

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John Turton - Online Counsellor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Recognises the individual as the key figure to make life changes. Chatroom support, interactive pages, and email formats.
- http://www.onlinecounsellor.co.nz

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Psychology Online - The Place to Talk Open in a new windowLink Details
- An online clinic. Meet with a licensed professional counselor through a secure chat room.
- http://www.psychonline.com

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Online Clinics Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contact with selected professionals is available online, over the telephone and in the clinicans' office.
- http://www.onlineclinics.com/

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Counsellor Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online private, secure chat rooms. List of counsellors, code of ethics, and self help exercises.
- http://www.counsellor-online.com

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Mental Health Helpline Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers email and telephone consultations. Includes information about Dr. James F. Lassiter.
- http://www.mentalhealthhelpline.com

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Change Is Good Open in a new windowLink Details
- Counselor offering mental health, relationship, and addictions counseling. Internet counseling, phone counseling, neurofeedback, and web cam counseling.
- http://www.changeisgood.org

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Sara Lapides Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers counseling and coaching in-person, over the telephone, or by e-mail.
- http://www.ask-sara.com

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Successful Therapy Matters Open in a new windowLink Details
- Catie Trafford, M.A. Telephone and online therapy by licensed psychotherapist at home or office nationwide. Treats anxiety, depression, anger, relationships, codependency.
- http://www.successfultherapymatters.com

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Counselling2U Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers confidential and professional counselling from the privacy of home or office. Counselling is either by telephone or e-mail, with a guaranteed 48 hour response.
- http://www.counselling2u.com/htdocs/index.asp

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Erika Russina, LPC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Licensed counselor provides counseling and email therapy. Experienced clinician specializes in therapy for depression, self-esteem, anxiety, and HIV. Available for individuals, partners, and couples. Cognitive behavioral therapy approach.
- http://www.licensedcounselor.com/

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Gay Therapist Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional counseling online for LGBT family and relationship issues, depression, and anxiety. Counseling via email, private chat, or phone sessions.
- http://theonlinetherapist.com/

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Rhonda Rabow, Psychotherapist Open in a new windowLink Details
- Raising self-esteem and resolving parent/child conflicts. Telephone and e-therapy sessions.
- http://www.helphelpmerhonda.ca

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Confidant Open in a new windowLink Details
- Safe, secure, and private online help with self esteem, sexuality, relationships, grief and trauma. Secure email, online text chat, telephone, or face to face in South East Queensland.
- http://www.confidant.com.au

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Southern Concepts Counseling Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides on-line, telephone, and in-person (Texas) counseling. Specialities include anxiety, autism/pervasive developmental disorders, personal empowerment, sexual or physical abuse, separation and divorce, grief and loss, depression, anger and weight ma
- http://www.southernconceptstx.com/counselingintroduction.htm

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Sunrise Counselling and Online Therapy Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online therapy, information, and counseling services for people who prefer their privacy or may be confined to their home. Dawn DuBois, BSW, MSW, RSW.
- http://www.sunrisecounselling.com

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Person-Centered Therapy and Anger Management Open in a new windowLink Details
- Samuel R. Evans, Licensed Professional Counselor offers counseling and anger management in office (Georgia), but specializes in online services.
- http://personcentered.com

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Parenting Toolbox Open in a new windowLink Details
- Email or private forum rooms. Offers customized, expert help in a simply, solution-focused format from Ron Huxley, founder of ParentingToolbox.com and Angertoolbox.com, author, speaker, and father of four.
- http://parentingtoolbox.com/ron/ron.html

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All Coaching Open in a new windowLink Details
- Susan Gibler, MA. Coaching for ADD, ADHD, depression, grief, divorce recovery, alcholol abuse, drug abuse, anger management, and anxiety via email or telephone.
- http://www.allcoaching.net

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The Original Stress-Buster: Dr. Love Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pastoral, client-centered and therapeutic counseling. Counseling done on-line with secure log-in.
- http://www.stress-drlove.com

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Inspired Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Beyond-traditional, individual counseling and group therapy/support; life and spiritual coaching. Local, online and phone. Specializing in codependence, addictive and other dysfunctional patterns of behavior, with tools for change.
- http://www.inspiredcounseling.com

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Love-Sessions Advice Open in a new windowLink Details
- Counseling and personal relationship advice through e-mail or telephone sessions.
- http://www.love-sessions.com/telephone_sessions.htm

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Nurse Hope Advice Open in a new windowLink Details
- Help is offered in a safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere. Professional help with many problems, including sexual concerns, relationship issues, loneliness, and anxiety.
- http://www.nursehope.net/

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AngelEye Counselling Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- AngelEye counselling provides a person-centered approach to counselling with choices for face-to-face or online sessions. With such options, you can easily access professional counselling wherever you are.
- http://www.angeleye-counselling.co.uk

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GLBTtherapy Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- E-mail and chat therapy and counseling for GLBT clients and others is offered at Beverly Hills Family Counseling.
- http://www.glbttherapy.com

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Couple Counseling Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Help for married and unmarried couples, traditional, and non traditional couples. Davor Jedlicka, Ph.D., LMFT.
- http://www.couplecounseling.com

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Dr. Reena Sommer and Associates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Divorce consultants specializing in parental alienation syndrome, custody disputes, divorce coaching and counseling, and domestic abuse issues.
- http://www.reenasommerassociates.mb.ca

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Personal Growth Concepts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Private social service agency provides professional counseling, coaching, spiritual guidance, and supportive services by e-mail and telephone.
- http://personalgrowthconcepts.com

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Telephone and E-mail Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers free, no-obligation initial 20-minute telephone consultation. Provides psychotherapy services by telephone and e-mail.
- http://www.counselingadvantage.com

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Counseling by Marlene Shiple Open in a new windowLink Details
- Psychotherapist, personal life coach and clinical hypnotherapist offers practical and behavioral methods to facilitate rapid goal achievement.
- http://www.find-a-therapist.com/office/office21.htm

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E-Therapy with Judith Sanders Open in a new windowLink Details
- Addresses many problems associated with chronic illness such as fibromylagia, arthritis, diabetes, interstitial cystitis and vulvadynia, depression, relationship problems, women's issues, loneliness and aging.
- http://www.find-a-therapist.com/office/office22.htm

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Creative Counselling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Creative counselling helps you look at your problems, large and small. Services for young people, adult survivors of sexual abuse, and all types of relationship problems.
- http://creatingrainbows.co.uk

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Anger Management Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Learn anger management in an online classroom environment. Regular scheduled chat discussion groups and post-session quizzes are available.
- http://angermanagementonline.com

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Gloria G. Brame, Ph.D. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Licensed clinical sexologist offers sensitive, non-judgmental, and confidential online and telephone counseling for sexual and relationship concerns.
- http://gloria-brame.com/domidea/therapy.htm

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Preparation for Success Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional resources for people troubled with emotional problems including anxiety, depression, grief, family, business, and social problems.
- http://familymentalhealth.com

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Family Counseling Center Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counseling center which provides email counseling and a bulletin board for discussion. All counselors are Ph.D. level and licensed.
- http://www.family-counseling.org

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Vine Partnership Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Problem-assessment and solution-focussed self-help resources are provided. E-therapy counselling and psychotherapy can be purchased.
- http://www.vinepartnership.co.uk/

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T.L.C. Stress Management Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional stress management seminars and online counselling
- http://www.stress-help.co.uk

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Balancing Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers internet e-counseling, individual and group counseling. Materials and books for sale. Topics include EAP services, mental health counseling, adult education, seminars, intervention, training and development.
- http://www.balancinglife.com/

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Becoming Your Best Self Open in a new windowLink Details
- Licensed clinical social worker offering psychotherapy and coaching services.
- http://www.therapywithsusan.com

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LZcybershrink Open in a new windowLink Details
- Elizabeth Zelvin, New York State certified therapist/social worker, author, and speaker offers online psychotherapy via secure private chat.
- http://www.lzcybershrink.com

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Gibbs Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- Psychoanalytic psychotherapy, workshops, and e-line (email, online chat, and instant messaging)counseling. Explores the nature of significant psychological change: what it is, how it come about, and what interferes with attaining and sustaining it.
- http://www.gibbsonline.com

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Here To Listen Open in a new windowLink Details
- On-line Counselling using synchronised chat or email has some real advantages over that of face-to-face counselling. Samaritan trained counsellor offering a fully confidential service.
- http://heretolisten.co.uk

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Alternative Online Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Counseling services are offered to help find and remove the beliefs that hold people back in their spiritual growth.
- http://www.onlinecounseling.org

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Jan L. Gault, Ph.D. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Learn how to stop procrastinating, get motivated and stop letting self-defeating beliefs stand between you and your dreams. Offers books, tapes, seminars, chat room, and video conferencing.
- http://www.drjan.net

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Personal Assessment Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers confidential and professional online assessment with telephone follow up. The Life Balance Assessment evaluates career and life stress, the Personal Performance Assessment evaluates memory and related factors.
- http://www.drpatterson.net

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Psychologists To Go Open in a new windowLink Details
- This group of psychologists provide a place for you to contact them for online counseling specializing in depression, anxiety, addictions and relationships.
- http://www.psychtogo.com

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AskTheInternetTherapist LLC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides services by telephone, chat, and email and offers educational mental health audio tapes and videotapes.
- http://www.asktheinternettherapist.com/

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Cyber Therapy - Dr. Gina Lynne LoSasso Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online counseling via email or real-time chat, to discuss issues and solve problems.
- http://www.ctmu.org/CyberTherapy

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The Dr. Zod and Johnny Show Open in a new windowLink Details
- Entertainment talk therapy with former child-star Johnny Whitaker and his psychiatrist, Ron Zodkevitch, MD discuss problems of life, love and relationships.
- http://drzodandjohnny.com

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Phoenix Psychotherapy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializing in substance abuse, addictions, marital, relationship problems. I also offer organizational and personal mediation as well as communication training. Counseling via telephone, video, and keyboard via the internet.
- http://www.heiko.com/

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Healing and Growth Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing confidential, supportive help from difficulties and problems affecting one's life. Services available include email, chat, telephone and traditional face-to-face sessions with a licensed counselor.
- http://www.healingandgrowth.com/

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Robinson Counseling Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides confidential professional counseling online. Get counseling with marriage, divorce, abuse, or multicultural issues.
- http://www.robinsoncounseling.com