Positive Resistance - Offers workshops about behavior and intervention programs developed exclusively for foster teens in federal holding facilities by Keariene Muizz and Dr. Lori Phelps, PhD. Includes an introduction to the method. - http://www.galido.net/positiveresistance/
Insider's View - Critical views of the methods behavior modification programs aimed at teens. - http://www.pianofinders.com/insidersview/
Collaborative Problem Solving Institute - Resources related to the collaborative problem solving (CPS) treatment method, which is based on the premise that difficult children and adolescents lack cognitive and emotional skills needed to handle frustration and demands for flexibility and adaptabil - http://massgeneral.org/cpsinstitute/
Treatment of Children with Mental Disorders - NIMH booklet, primarily for parents, on treatment of emotional disorders in children, particularly focusing on the use of medication. Includes FAQ and a chart listing medications approved for children and adolescents. - http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/childqa.cfm
Children's Mental Health Ontario - Organization representing providers of child and youth mental health treatment services throughout the province. Includes advice for families and directory of programs and other resources. - http://www.kidsmentalhealth.ca/
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care - Describes MTFC, which provides an evidence based solution for youth with delinquency and behavioral problems. Includes list of institutions using this approach. - http://www.mtfc.com/
Your Family Clinic - Information and products related to psychology and mental health services to children, adolescents, and their families. - http://www.yourfamilyclinic.com
PsychoEd.Net - Introducing psychoeducational approaches to the education and treatment of youth with emotional and behavior disorders. - http://www.psychoed.net
Children and Young People Childcare Magazine - Extensive international information on the needs, treatment and programs for children and young people around the world. - http://www.childrenwebmag.com/
Beslan Assistance - Keystone Human Services International - Trauma counseling, assistance and support to the psychologists and counselors serving the children and families of Beslan, Russia. - http://www.keystonehumanservices.org/beslan/