Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Information leaflet
- Written by a London GP, Dr Sarah Jarvis. Introduction with a look at the symptoms, who gets it, causes, when to see a doctor, tests and treatments.
Web MD: How Is BPH Treated? - How to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia medically or surgically. Some experimental treatments such as microwave and stents are also discussed. -
Prostate Disease - Information about the symptoms, causes and treatments available. -
About.Com: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy - BPH issues and concerns, especially to the older male are covered and discussed. Includes the symptoms, treatment, do's and don'ts, sexual function, and research. -
Coping With Prostate Problems - Offers prevention, symptoms, treatment and question to ask your doctor before surgery. -
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: from BUPA - Concise fact sheet on causes, symptoms and treatment of this disorder. Can also be downloaded in Acrobat format -
The Prostate Institute - Information on benign prostatic hypertrophy and treatment. Included is a glossary and links for further research. -
Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Offers medical news and alerts, information, discussion groups, newsgroups and related links for benign protatic hypertrophy. -
Bandolier: BPH - A description of benign prostatic hypertrophy along with a look at the symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment options. -