Aventis Oncology - Treatments and programs, including Taxotere (docetaxel), Anzemet (dolasetron mesylate), PACT+SM, and www.1800RxTrial.com, plus breaking news on Aventis agents in development. - http://www.aventisoncology.com/
The Family Cancer Center - Donald Gravenor Earle Weeks Suhail Obaji are Hematologists and Medical Oncologists practicing in 5 offices in the Memphis, Tennessee area. We have an active interest in patient care and clinical research. - http://www.familycancercenter.com
Donna Spadaro, MD - Practice information and credentials. (UPMC-Northwest, Franklin, Pennsylvania) - http://www.healthology.com/spadaro
Oklahoma Oncology - Presents detailed practice information and access to resources for cancer prevention, screening, treatment, bone marrow transplant, clinical trials and support. Multi-site locations. - http://www.oklahoma-oncology.com
Tennessee Oncology - Provides information about the physicians in the practice, as well as about cancer, chemotherapy, clinical trials, patient support and insurance details. Located in Nashville, Tennessee. - http://www.tnoncology.com
Oncology Associates of San Diego - Focus on detection, diagnosis, treatment and support for cancer patients. Includes a listing of diseases treated, surgical procedures, physician profiles and information concerning clinical trials. Practice is located in California. Contact details pro - http://www.oncologysandiego.com/
Florida Cancer Specialists - A multi-site private oncology and hematology practice in the western Florida area. - http://www.flcancer.com
Rush Bone Marrow Transplant - Offers information about bone marrow transplants, clinical research and trials, and advance training. Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, located in Chicago, Illinois. - http://www.rush.edu/patients/cancer/bone_marrow/
Hardin MD: Oncology - From the University of Iowa, a list of Internet sources in oncology, cancer, and neoplasms, including melanoma, and leukemia. - http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/oncol.html
Dr. Charles Padgett - Practice devoted to adult oncology in Baltimore, Maryland. - http://www.medicaloncologist.com
Dr. Valiere Alcena's Website - Valiere Alcena, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.P. has been a leader in the field of Internal Medicine, Hematology, Medical Oncology. He has authored numerous articles and books on health issues affecting minorities. - http://www.dralcena.com
New York Hematology Specialist - Hematology Oncology Associates of Rockland, P.C. - A community based adult Oncology and Hematology medical practice with Offices in Rockland County, New York - http://www.rocklandhemonc.com