Australian Society for Geriatric Medicine - Membership is open to physicians involved in clinical practice, research, education and administration. Includes details of publications, activities and training programmes. -
British Geriatric Society - Professional association of doctors practicing geriatric medicine. Its members are consultants in geriatric medicine, the psychiatry of old age, public health medicine, general practitioners, and scientists engaged in medicine of aging. -
American Geriatrics Society - The AGS is one of the largest professional organization of health care providers. Dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older adults. Has over 6,000 members. -
Society of Geriatric Cardiology - A not-for-profit organization to address the problems resulting from cardiovascular diseases. -
The Gerontological Society of America - Multidisciplinary society for professionals in the field of aging. Focuses on promoting the scientific study of aging. -
American Federation for Aging Research - Promotes healthier aging through biomedical research. AFAR seeks to help scientists with their careers in geriatric medicine. -
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - AAGP is a national association representing and serving its members and the field of geriatric psychiatry. It is dedicated to promoting the mental health and well being of older people and improving the care of those with late life mental disorders. -
The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging - Advocates on behalf of older adults and their special needs through public education, clinical research, and public policy. -