UCLA Endocrine Surgery - Multidisciplinary subspecialty service with a focus on diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands, at Los Angeles, California, medical center. Information about services and capabilities. - http://www.endocrinesurgery.ucla.edu
Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology - Provides patients with the latest treatments in osteoporosis, cholesterol management, and hormonal conditions. Located in Austin. - http://www.texasdiabetes.com
Andrew McLaren DM, FRCS - Consultant Surgeon with the Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust. Provides details on thyroid nodules, parathyroid glands, surgery, and hernia repair. - http://www.bucksendocrine.com
Alkmini Anastasiadou, M.D. - Dr. Anastasiadou is a Board Certified endocrinologist, specializing in thyroid dysfunctions, infertility, PCOS, diabetes management, osteoporsosis, menopause and PMS. Based in New York. - http://www.endony.com
Joslin Diabetes Center - Information on diabetes for consumers and health care professionals - http://www.joslin.org/
Sherna Madan, M.D. - Practice located in the San Francisco bay area. Expertise includes cardiovascular risk management, diabetes, lipidology, insulin pump therapy. - http://www.shernamadan.com
Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Illinois at Chicago - Provide medical treatment of patients with endocrine disease in the Chicago area. Train physicians to specialize as endocrinologists and conduct basic and clinical research to understand the causes and consequences of endocrine disorders. - http://www.uic.edu/com/dom/endo
Dr. Karen L. Porte, M.D., F.A.C.E. - Information about this practice located in Joplin, Missouri. Includes specialties, monthly news, care philosophy, insurance information and location map. - http://www.drkarenporte.medem.com/
Diabetes Thyroid and Hormone Centre - Dr. B.K. Roy's clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of hormone disorders. Includes a map and a brief informational page of services. - http://www.diabetesthyroidhormone.com/
Endocrinology and Diabetes Research - University of Munich: Unit for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Outpatients' Department offers downloadable publications and software for endocrinologists. - http://link.medinn.med.uni-muenchen.de/endokrin/english/
Walter Reed Army Medical Center - WRAMC's Kyle Metabolic Unit provides care for military personnel and dependants. Located in Washington, D.C. - http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/departments/medicine/endo/
Indianapolis Endocrinology & Diabetology, Inc. - Providing treatment for endocrine disorders including diabetes, hypoglycemia, osteoporosis, infertility, and other glandular-related health problems. Locations in Kokomo, Elwood and Indianapolis, Indiana. - http://www.indy-endo.com/
Diabetes & Glandular Disease Clinic - Treatment of diabetes and other disorders of the pancreas, thyroid and adrenal glands. Located in San Antonio, Texas. - http://dgdclinic.com/
Dr. Imran Ahmed - Offers information on diabetes, infertility, thyroid disorders, infertility and hepatitis. - http://physician.8k.com/