Tilos Telemedicine Project - Serving small communities and islands. Based at a telemedicine station in Livadia-Tilos island in Greece. - http://users.otenet.gr/~timtem
AFHCAN - The Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network is provided by military installations, Alaska Native health facilities, regional hospitals, small village clinics, and state public health nursing stations. - http://www.afhcan.org
Missouri Telehealth Network - Provides access to care to underserved areas of Missouri as well as education for healthcare providers, disaster preparedness and provide research opportunities to clinicians wanting to study telehealth. USA. - http://telehealth.muhealth.org/
Eastern Montana Telemedicine Network - Consortium of not-for-profit medical and mental health facilities linking health care providers and their patients throughout Montana and Wyoming. Details services, news, contacts and links. USA. - http://www.emtn.org