eMedicine Health - Shark Bite - Overview of shark bites and their treatment. - http://www.emedicinehealth.com/shark_bite/article_em.htm
eMedicine Health - Jellyfish Stings - Overview of symptoms and treatment of jellyfish stings. - http://www.emedicinehealth.com/jellyfish_stings/article_em.htm
AAFP: Poisoning, Envenomation, and Trauma from Marine Creatures - Symptoms and treatment of ciguatera and scombroid poisoning, stings by jellyfish, sea urchins, and stingrays, and trauma. Includes a patient brochure. - http://www.aafp.org/afp/20040215/885.html
Jelly Fish Stings - Information, symptoms and treatment on skin injuries from marine life such as Jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war. - http://www.discoveringhawaii.com/SF_Medicine/StingingMarineLife/JellyFish.html