Rickets - Mayo Clinic answers how this vitamin D deficiency effects children's bones, who is at risk, non-dietary causes, symptoms, and diagnosis. - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/rickets/DS00813
Cornell Science News: Bangladesh Rickets Project - Reports that scientists travel to the Chakaria area to learn why the disease is so prevalent in such a sunny area. - http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/Oct97/rickets.bpf.html
Rickets Is Preventable - Dr. Barbara Struempler, a nutritionist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System describes how the condition can be avoided. - http://www.aces.edu/dept/extcomm/newspaper/april10a01.html
Vitamin D Processing and Familial Rickets - Offers a comparison between Vitamin D sensitive and resistant forms of the bone disease. Includes a general overview of bone growth and development. - http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C10/C10Links/georgia.ncl.ac.uk/VitaminD/vitaminD.html
Osteomalacia/Rickets Clinical Resources - Annotated links to resources provided by the Rural Nurse Organization Digital Library. - http://ruralnurseorganization-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/metabolism/metabolic-bone/osteomalacia.htm
eMedicine - Rickets - Laurence Finberg, MD provides a description of the condition's pathophysiology, frequency, lab and imaging studies. - http://www.emedicine.com/PED/topic2014.htm
About Rickets - Offers a description of the malady that includes information on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options. - http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/rickets.asp