MigrainePage.com - Support community that offers journal and live chat. - http://www.migrainepage.com
HealingWell.com: Migraine - Headache Forum - Message boards and chat dedicated to sharing information, offering support, and coping strategies to better manage migraines and headaches. Moderated by volunteers. - http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=31
Yahoo Groups: Migraine-Lane - A place for female migraine sufferers to find an outlet for frustrations, set-backs, and joys. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Migraine-lane
Yahoo Groups: Migraines2Many - This is a group for people who suffer from migraines and their friends and family who feel the after-effects. This is an open forum to discuss your pain, problems, questions, treatment, and to just plain vent when you need to. - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Migraines2Many/