Hanna's Story - Hanna Burton is a little girl with arthrogryposis. - http://www.prissylady.com/
Abigial Marie - A site about our daughter. - http://www.forabby.com/
Stacy Davidoff - Astrological consultations based on a combination of traditional and some not so traditional Western Astrology methods. - http://home.earthlink.net/~spica/
Christopher Anthony Luzio - Cheryl and Lou (Chris) would like to introduce their little man. - http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/p/peanuthead/
Dave The Wave - A place for peace and tranquility. - http://community-1.webtv.net/DMSweet/TheWave/
Yasmín's Site - 1 out of 3000 infants will be born with amc. Are you like me? - http://nimsay.blackglass.org
Jim Flood - Jimmy's story. - http://www.magma.ca/~floods/jimmy.html
Jason Tanner - Introducing our newest arrival. - http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jasontanner/
Dan's Place - Adult male in Kentucky with arthrogryposis shares his interests. - http://www.dango727.com
Disabilities Unlimited - Bill Micklitz, award winning writer and speaker, was born with a muscle and joint disorder. - http://www.disabilitiesunlimited.org/
Greg Burns Fine Art Gallery - Greg Burns is an Oklahoma artist whose work in ink and watercolor ranges from historical buildings and homes to Victorian interiors and even landscapes. - http://www.gregburns-fineart.com/