Fayetteville Amputee Support Group - Provides individuals with support, knowledge, encouragement and education. Monthly meetings at Peace Presbyterian Church. - http://www.fayampsupport.com
The Odd Shoe Shuffle - Australian community service initiative enabling people to sell, search and buy single shoes or pairs of shoes that are of different sizes. - http://www.oddshoeshuffle.com.au/
HPHDhelp.org - Support and information for hemipelvectomy and hip-disarticulation amputees. Includes physical fitness, walking, prosthetics, feedback, and options. - http://www.hphdhelp.org/
Arm Amputee Forum - A WebBBS forum for arm amputees. - http://loricase.com/amp/forum/amp/config.pl
Amputee Association of India Trust - A non-profit educational and advocacy organisation. Includes details of activities. - http://aait.fscope.com/
Amputee Forum - Provided by manufacturer of prosthetic devices. - http://surrealdesign.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi
Amputee On Call - A helping hand to those who are an amputee or the family of amputees. Also a disability advocate for all disabilities. - http://www.amputeeoncall.org/
Alberta Amputee Sport and Recreation Association - Support and provide opportunity for activities, in both disabled and able bodied events. Includes guiding philosophy, membership information, events, FAQ, resources, and gallery. - http://www.aasra.ab.ca/
Amputee Resource Foundation of America - It is the mission of the Amputee Resource Foundation of America to disseminate timely and useful information, to perform charitable services, and to conduct research to enhance productivity and quality of life of amputees in America. - http://www.amputeeresource.org
Above Knee Amputee.com - Site for Above Knee Amputees that want to not only walk, but to walk well, and to be comfortable. - http://www.abovekneeamputee.com/index.html