Tinnitus Water Sounds: Masking the Nightmare - Personal page describes how one man treated his problematic condition with fountains, cd's, and white noise. - http://www.tinnituswatersounds.com
Action for Tinnitus Research - UK-based charity that focuses on funding medical, scientific, and social research. - http://www.tinnitus-research.org/
Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment - Specialises in the assessment and treatment of this condition in Australia and several locations in the United States. - http://www.tinnitustreatment.com.au/
Tinnitus Self-Help - Provides an overview of the treatment possibilities and similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness, ear pressure, dizziness (morbus Ménière), acute hearing loss, and distortion. - http://www.tinnitool.com/wEnglisch/
Tinnitus - Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of tinnitus. From eMedicine Health. - http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/14250-1.asp
Cure Tinnitus Discussion Board - Forum for those with this condition and those who support the people stricken with tinnitus. - http://www.curetinnitus.org
Advanced Energy Medicine - Information on Tinnitus treatment using painless, non-surgical low level laser therapy. - http://www.tinnitus.us
Tinnitus Association of Canada - A Canada-based non-profit organization, operated on a voluntary basis by people who have tinnitus. - http://www.kadis.com/ta/tinnitus.htm
Alliance Tinnitus and Hearing Center - Atlanta clinic's website provides extensive information about the condition and its treatment, including self-help advice for sufferers, advice on therapies to avoid, and links to online support forums. - http://www.tinn.com
International Tinnitus Journal - Twice annual peer-reviewed journal of basic and clinical research reports and reviews on this condition. Includes subscription information, advice for contributors, index of past issues, and abstracts from most recent issue. - http://www.tinnitusjournal.com/
Mraz Audiology Consulting, Inc - Provides tinnitus and hyperacusis treatment, management, and education. - http://www.tinnitus-ears.com
Holistic Online: Tinnitus - Provides symptoms, causes, and treatments. Presents conventional and alternative approaches. - http://holisticonline.com/Remedies/Ear/tin_home.htm
Oregon Tinnitus Data Archive - Reference source for those desiring quantitative information about clinically-significant tinnitus. - http://www.ohsu.edu/ohrc-otda/
Tinnitus Advice and Tips for a Treatment and Cure - Personal suggestions on how to deal with this disorder and a forum for other sufferers to share their own experiences. - http://www.mytinnitus.de
Birmingham Tinnitus Support Group - Registered charity providing information and support for those suffering from this disorder. Offers details about the group, papers and membership information. - http://www.tinnitusbham.org.uk
Neurofisiologia Otooftalmologica and the 4GF - Patients and scientific information about tinnitus diagnose and therapy and brain mapping. - http://www.vertigo-dizziness.com/english/tinnitus.html
The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Site - Central link point internationally for complete information on tinnitus, tinnitus retraining therapy, hyperacusis therapy. Links to thorough scientific studies on this subject. - http://www.tinnitus.org/
California Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Therapy Center - Provides the full range of scientifically based therapies, emphasizing tinnitus retraining therapy (Jastreboff method). Site provides information on these disorders and carefully screened links to scientifically proven information and to support groups. - http://www.californiatinnitus.com
Tinnitus Web Site by Mike Cohen - Personal story by a patient who was treated at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Israel. - http://tinnitus.itgo.com/Mike/mikecohen.htm
Tinnitus. Health factsheets from BUPA - Concise factsheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disorder, available for downloading in Adobe acrobat format. - http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/Mosby_factsheets/Tinnitus.html
Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Center - Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Information about this disorder and the center. - http://www.tinnitus-pjj.com/
British Tinnitus Association - In the UK, a registered charity, provides advice and information, raises awareness and funds research. Site contains list of publications/services and full contact details. - http://www.tinnitus.org.uk
Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Center at the University of Maryland - The tinnitus and hyperacusis center at the University of Maryland was the first center in the United States dedicated exclusively to the evaluation and treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis using tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT). - http://www.tinnitus-hyperacusis.com
American Tinnitus Association - A non-profit organization working to improve the resources, information, and assistance available to sufferers of tinnitus. Efforts include funding tinnitus research, producing and distributing educational materials for both patients and healthcare profes - http://www.ata.org/