What Are The Specific Issues With Autoimmune Hepatitis And How Is It Treated? - Report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis. Includes information on immunosuppressants and transplants. - http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_specific_issues_with_autoimmune_hepatitis_how_it_treated_000059_9.htm
MedlinePlus: Autoimmune Hepatitis - Illustrated article provides definition, causes, incidence and risk factors, signs and symptoms, tests, treatment, and complication. - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000245.htm
Autoimmune Hepatitis - Information includes description, symptoms, diagnosis, indications for treatment, and associated diseases. - http://www.gastromd.com/education/autoimmunehepatitis.html
eMedicine: Autoimmune Hepatitis - Physician article details clinical characteristics and features, disease associations, treatment, medications, and follow-up. - http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic366.htm
Canadian Liver Foundation: Autoimmune Hepatitis - Describes what it is, causes, contagion, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, including transplant. - http://www.liver.ca/Liver_Disease/Adult_Liver_Diseases/Autoimmune_Hepatitis.aspx