NHL: The Ongoing Battle - Chronicle of Mike's experiences with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) since August of 1998. - http://www.ecr6.ohio-state.edu/~davism/nhl-account.htmlx
Bryce's Story Battling Childhood Cancer - Web site describing the story of a non-hodgkins lymphoma cancer survivor, including treatments, challenges, and remission. - http://www.brycestory.com
Del's NHL Diary - A cancer survivor’s personal diary describes living with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. From initial diagnosis to treatment, and subsequent relapse. - http://www.non-hodgkins-lymphoma.us
János Czipri's NHL Cancer story - His story from diagnosis to autologous stem cell transplant. - http://www.czipri.bravehost.com/
Lymphoma Journal - A story of life and recovery from non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Includes detailed descriptions, photography and artwork from the treatments. - http://www.lymphomajournal.com
My Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Lawrence Wray's experience including the effects of CHOP treatment, ESHAPS chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. - http://www.lawrencewray.co.uk
My Life with NHL - Diary and links detail Buck's diagnosis, treatment and struggle with cancer. - http://www.buckcash.com/cancer/cancernewbody.htm
Tony's Cancer Page - Long term survivor of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma describes his story which includes a bone marrow transplant. Find information and encouragement. - http://www.inspirezone.org/tonycan.htm