Wellstart International - Works to improve mother and infant nutrition world-wide by providing education to perinatal healthcare providers and services to breastfeeding families. Programs and publications. - http://www.wellstart.org
Babies and Allergies - Article from Suite101.com on what signs to look for and how to avoid or detect food allergies. - http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/4646/52143
Diet and Nutrition Guide for Children - Information on the kids food pyramid, reading nutrition labels, and vitamin and mineral requirements. - http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/nutrition/index.html
Infant Nutrition - Discusses the composition of breast milk and various types of formula. - http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/peds/pidl/nutrit/infantnutr.htm
Toddler Food Guide - An adapted food pyramid for toddlers. Includes a sample menu plan. - http://www.lambtonhealth.on.ca/child/feeding.asp
WIC - Women, Infants and Children - Mission is to support low-income women and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, support for women who breastfeed, and referrals to health care. - http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/
Food Safety for Mothers and Babies - Factsheet from Clemson University gives guidelines for safe food handling for babies, and storing breast milk, formula and food. - http://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheets/HGIC3640.htm