Abortion in Horses - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture fact sheet on the infectious and non-infectious causes of abortion in mares. - http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/horses/facts/05-061.htm
Peacock Ranch Equine Reproduction Center - A brand new state-of-the-art horse breeding facility with emphasis on modern stallion and mare management. Located in Central Michigan only one hour north of Grand Rapids. - http://www.peacockequinereproduction.com/
The Artificial Insemination Centre - MAFF and EEC approved equine quarantine and semen collecting centre. Includes details of specialist services. - http://www.theaicentre.co.uk
EquiSearch: Breeding - Articles on equine reproduction, care of the pregnant mare, the foaling process, and equine color genetics. - http://equisearch.com/horses_care/health/breeding/
Equine Embryo Services - Offers embryo transplant services. Located in Martin, South Dakota. - http://www.equineembryoservices.com
Use of Cooled Stallion Semen - A University of Nebraska NebGuide article on the benefits of using cooled stallion semen for breeding. - http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horse/g1278.htm
Foaling Mares - A University of Nebraska Extension Service NebGuide which outlines the foaling process and appropriate actions to take during both normal and abnormal foaling. - http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horse/g1230.htm
Breeder's Assistant - Equine Education and Reproductive Services - Providing hands-on training to large and small horse breeders in equine reproductive management, artificial insemination, transported cooled semen, phantom training for stallions, foaling management and equine genetics. - http://www.thebreedersassistant.com
Transported Semen for the Small Breeder - Instructional article by a small breeder of Crabbet, Mayenboro and old Kellogg Arabians on the pitfalls and benefits of starting a transported semen program. - http://www.dsrtweyr.com/horses/ts1.php
Pool of Knowledge Breeding Farm Articles - Horse breeding articles by Dr Jim McCall - gestation length, Caslick's operation, semen analysis, foal heat breeding, progesterone in the maintenance of pregnancy, cryptorchids and castration. - http://www.arabians-international.com/orphans.html
Equine reproduction e-mail list - Moderated e-mail list for discussing equine reproduction issues suitable for all levels of experience. Topics include collecting, evaluating, cooling/freezing and shipping of semen; artificial insemination, embryo transfer, birth defects, infertility. - http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe.cgi/equinerepro
Equine Reproduction Concepts - A facility in northern Virginia offering a full range of breeding services under veterinary supervision. Reproductive evaluations, semen collection, problem stallions, embryo transfer, artificial insemination, also on-farm services. - http://www.equinereproduction.com/index.htm
Equine Reproduction - Professional articles on equine reproduction, also offers seminars and courses and has a links and books section. Sells selected artificial breeding supplies. - http://www.equine-reproduction.com/
Biology of Reproduction - Equine Reproduction VI - This volume presents papers delivered at the Sixth International Symposium on Equine Reproduction, Caxambu, Brazil, 1994. 172 abstracts were submitted to the Editorial Board, which then selected 100 abstracts for presentation at the Symposium. The full-le - http://www.ssr.org/bor/mono1/equi6.htm