Dr. Auromira A. Parks - Licensed and registered Naturopathic doctor trained in Canada. Practising at The London Health Clinic in the West Hampstead area of London. - http://www.auromira.co.uk/
Alternative & Complementary Therapies - West London naturopathic practitioner lists the treatment she offers and how to book an appointment. - http://www.natpath.co.uk
Wholistic Healthcare UK - Michelle Matthews ND, Australian trained Naturopath located in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. - http://www.wholistichealthcareuk.com
Trisha Stewart Clinic - Trisha Stewart, health consultant, located in Newton Abbot, Devon, Great Britain. - http://www.trishastewart.com
Naturopath and Osteopath - Physician specializing in Structural, Cranial & Paediatric located in Westfield, Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom. - http://www.wishingwellnaturalhealthclinic.co.uk
Melanie Luckes - Naturopath, clinical nutritionist, and homeopath. Specialising in women's and child health issues in London. - http://www.melanieluckes.co.uk