Feldenkrais Movement Institute - Feldenkrais Method instruction and Feldenkrais certified training from Frank Wildman, PhD. - http://www.feldenkraisinstitute.org
Feldenkrais Learning Center - A center for functional improvement in New York City. Private lessons and group classes with highly reputed faculty. Marcy Lindheimer, Director - http://www.feldenkraislearningcenter.com
Anat Baniel Method, based on the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais - Gentle movement programs to help with back pain, neck pain, and joint pain. Good for prevention and recovery. At-home audio programs, seminars, and trainings. - http://www.anatbanielmethod.com
Mind in Motion - Provides individual sessions, public workshops, injury-prevention training, seminars for health professionals, professional training programs, and post-graduate courses. Located in Santa Cruz, CA. - http://www.mindinmotion-online.com/
The Feldenkrais Method and Posture - A Los Angeles based practitioner and teacher's guide. - http://www.posturepage.com/feldenkrais/index.html
Feldenkrais Training in Sarasota - This web site contains articles and background on this therapy, as well as a schedule of events in Florida. - http://feldenkraisinsarasota.com
International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) - Coordinating body for Feldenkrais organizations worldwide. Provides contact information for member organizations, introductory information on the Feldenkrais Method, bibliographical and research information, and Standards of Practice. - http://www.feldenkrais-method.org
Feldenkrais Resources - Feldenkrais Method professional training programs, advanced trainings, classes, workshops, and products. The exclusive publisher of Dr. Feldenkrais' audio and video-tape programs and of books and audio-tapes by Feldenkrais Practitioners. - http://www.feldenkraisresources.com
The Feldenkrais Guild of North America - A way of working with the awareness of one's body to improve movement and enhance human functioning. Increases ease and range of motion, improves flexibility and coordination. Newsletter, books, tapes, and research information. - http://www.feldenkrais.com/
Moving Mesa Portable Feldenkrais Table - The Moving Mesa is a handmade, light-weight, portable Feldenkrais table. It designed and built by practitioners for practitioners. - http://www.movingmesa.com/index.php
Movement Educators - Feldenkrais Method professional training programs by Diana and Efrem Razumny. Apache Creek, NM. - http://www.movement-educators.com
Celeste Leitch - Experienced San Francisco Feldenkrais professional utilizes gentle movement to improve flexibility. - http://www.celesteleitch.com