Waterdance - Watsu sessions by Davida Taurek are available in Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA. - http://www.davidadance.com
Aguassage - A Massage in the Water - This therapy is a modfied Swedish massage in a warm water pool. Sessions and teaching classes available in Miami, Florida. - http://www.aguassage.com
Jahara Technique - Classes and information on structural bodywork modality done in warm water pools. - http://www.jahara.com
Heart Dancing - Offers aqua aerobic courses and videos. - http://www.heartdancing.com
Aquabalancing - A method which frees chronic tensions to enable more ease and freedom. - http://www.aquabalancing.fi/english/
H2OM - Richard Bock and Shantam are Aquatic Bodywork Therapists and Instructors of Wastu and WaterDance. - http://www.h2om.com
Watsu - History of watsu, pictures, on-line appointment scheduling for when you're on the Big Island of Hawaii. - http://www.dolphinheart.com/watsu.html
Starwater Watsu - Through gentle movement and acupressure, Watsu brings a deep sense of relaxation to all parts of the body. - http://www.starwaterwatsu.com