Heaven on Earth - Gwenn Bonnell and Joachim Schubert offer Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Huna Kane, and energy balancing exercises based on applied kinesiology. Davie and Miami Beach, Florida. - http://www.tapintoheaven.com/
Opening Doorways to Heal - Diana Ewald offers spiritual response therapy, craniosacral, reiki. Winter Park, Florida. - http://www.dianaewald.com/
Remote Healer - Reiki practitioner Richard Davis offers distant healing services. Classes in St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida. - http://remotehealer.com/
Brooke Becker - Healing techniques include multidimensional therapy. qigong, cranial-sacral, massage, shiatsu, alternative medicine. Hollywood, Florida. - http://brookebecker.net/
Advanced Jaffe-Mellor Technique (JMT) - Method developed by Carolyn Jaffe and Judy Mellor provides relief from chronic degenerative disorders. Seminars available. Petersburg, Florida. - http://www.jmttechnique.com/
Love-God.com - Jed Shlackman offers Reiki treatment, sound healing and brain wave entrainment in Miami, Florida. - http://www.love-god.com/
Angels Gateway - Patty Connolly offers angelic reading and esoteric consultation from New Port Richey, Florida. Earth Angel workshops via email. - http://www.angelsgateway.com/