Healing Scents Holistic Clinic and Training Centre - Aromatherapy Diploma with two modules that may be completed through self-paced home study. Located in Victoria, B.C. - http://www.vancouverislandaromatherapy.com/aromatherapydiploma.htm
The School of Natural Health Sciences - This UK based school offers a basic course and an Advanced Aromatherapy Diploma. - http://www.naturalhealthcourses.com/home.htm
Australasian College of Health Sciences - Offers nationally accredited distance education certification courses in aromatherapy and many other areas of alternative healthcare. Located in Portland, Oregon. - http://www.achs.edu/
Essence Journeys - Provides a six-week introductory course through e-mail. Based in Hawi, Hawaii. - http://www.lightbodypath.org/aromacourse.html
Spring Renewal - Offers a self-paced home study course with 24 lessons and a final exam and project. Based in Saugatuck, Michigan. - http://www.springrenewal.com/Home%20Study%20Course.htm
Michael Scholes School for Aromatic Studies - Options include four different courses, and a 300-hour diploma program, all available through home study. Based in Marina Del Rey, California. - http://www.labofflowers.com/michaelhomestudy.html
West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy Inc. - Three home study courses are offered, covering basic to advanced topics. Based in British Columbia, Canada. - http://www.westcoastaromatherapy.com/
Essential Oil Resource Consultants - Offers Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy through distance learning, a three-level research-based course that combines both French and English methods. - http://www.essentialorc.com
Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy - Distance learning options include an International Certification Course, and a three-part Masters Series. Based in San Rafael, California. - http://www.pacificinstituteofaromatherapy.com/
Essential Training Solutions Ltd - Aromatherapy, reflexology and anatomy and physiology revision/reference packages on CD ROM. Paper alternatives also available. Located in England. - http://www.essential-training.co.uk
Australasian College of Natural Therapies - Offers a home study foundations course, and courses in other natural therapies. Located in Sydney, Australia. - http://www.acnt.edu.au/courses/distance/#Aromatherapy
Nature Care College - College of natural therapies in Sydney, Australia, offering distance learning courses in aromatherapy and other modalities. - http://www.naturecare.com.au
Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy - A practitioner course and an advanced studies course are offered. Located in Tampa, Florida. - http://www.atlanticinstitute.com/
Atwood Institute for Research and Education - Clinical Aromatherapy certification in both residential and home study formats. Located in Glendale, Arizona. - http://www.starlighter.com/atwood/
Aromanet - Offers classes live and by correspondence, including certificate, advanced diploma, spa, and nurse programs. Located in Ontario, Canada. - http://www.aroma.net/index.html
The Kevala Centre - Distance learning Aromatherapy Diploma Course, consisting of 12 modules covering topics such as history, neurology, massage, acupressure, and consultation. Located in the United Kingdom. - http://www.kevala.co.uk/courses/aromatherapy.htm
Aroma Studio - Home study certification courses available at three levels, as well as a teacher training course. Located in New York. - http://www.aromastudio.com/