Tampa Bay Al-Anon - Meeting lists and Al-Anon Alateen calendar of events. Central office sells literature. - http://www.tampabayalanon.org
Naples - Al-Anon meeting schedules in Naples, Marco, Bonita, and Golden Gate. Also has Alateen meetings in Naples. - http://www.naples.net/social/selfhelp/alanon.html
Pinellas County - Al-Anon and Alateen meeting schedule. Upcoming events. - http://www.al-anon-pinellas.org
Orlando - Offers a list of Al-Anon and Alateen meetings, upcoming events, and hope to newcomers. - http://www.alanon-orlando.com/
North Florida - Al-Anon and Alateen meeting lists. Calendar of events. - http://www.northfloridaal-anon.org
South Florida - Meeting list and calendar of events. Has copies of some of the basic pamphlets and of the local newsletter. - http://www.southfloridaal-anon.org/