Oschmann Employee Screening Services - Manages drug and alcohol testing and Department of Transportation compliance programs. Based in Tucson, Arizona. - http://www.oschmannscreening.com/
D.D.T.A. Services Inc. - A drug testing consortium and third party administrator of federally required drug testing programs. - http://ddtaservicesinc.com
Health Enhancement Center - Providing substance abuse prevention and drug testing programs in support of employer policy. Supporting all services necessary for a drug free workplace from policy development to counseling referrals. - http://www.healthenhancementcenter.com/
Washington Drug Free Business - WDFB is a non-profit organization formed in 1988 to assist employers, regardless of size, start and maintain effective drug-free workplace programs. - http://www.drugfreebusiness.org
Alpha Pro Solutions - A training and consulting company dedicated to providing substance abuse policy reviews and internal audits of organizational drug and alcohol testing programs. - http://www.alphaprosolutions.com
National Drug Screen, Inc. - Nationwide administrator of corporate drug screening programs. - http://www.nationaldrugscreen.com/
Land Sea and Air Medical Review - A national corporation providing urine drug testing programs for DOT and non-DOT affected companies. - http://www.lsamr.com/
FirstLab - A third party administrator managing drug and alcohol testing programs. - http://www.firstlab.com/
American Triex, Inc. - Source for regulated and non-regulated drug testing program design, implementation and verification. - http://www.amtriex.com/
PDS - A third party administrator providing pre-employment drug testing services for small to medium businesses. - http://www.employmentdrugtesting.com/
Nationwide Testing Association, Inc. - A resource for management and consulting services for substance abuse and alcohol programs in the workplace. - http://www.ntatesting.com/
Employers Drug Program Management - EDPM is a third party administrator of both DOT and Non-DOT drug testing programs. Alabama. - http://edpm.com
MedReview, Incorporated - Administrators of DOT and non-DOT substance abuse testing programs. - http://www.mrinc.com/
a'TEST Inc. - A third party administrator providing management and collection services for drug-free workplace programs. - http://www.atestinc.com
FSR Drug Testing Service - Specializes in designing and implementing individually customized drug testing program for businesses as well as government agencies in accordence with all relevant laws and regulations. MRO Service Provider. AAMRO Registered. - http://www.fsrdrugtest.com