JS Online: Death of a Game Addict - Article about a 21-year-old Hudson man's addiction to EverQuest, and how it possibly led to his suicide. - http://www.jsonline.com/news/state/mar02/31536.asp
CBS News: EverQuest Or Evercrack? - Discusses the destructive nature that online game addiction can have on families and individuals. - http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/28/earlyshow/living/caught/main510302.shtml
/played - Written by Dmitri Williams, this article discussing the amount of time which people spend playing online games and whether virtual communities detract from real-life communities. - http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2005/02/played.html
An Elf's Progress - An article by Clive Thompson about the addictive nature of online games. - http://www.slate.com/id/2114354
Christina Cordell: "A Survivor of EverQuest Addiction" - A frequent participant in the SpousesAgainstEverQuest mailing list was charged with manslaughter after playing the game and losing track of her daughter who was trapped in a hot car. - http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench/everquest/cordell1.html
Is Pokémon Addictive? - Discusses whether Pokémon can be as addictive as some illegal drugs. - http://mentalhealth.about.com/cs/familyresources/a/pokemon.htm
The Quest to End Game Addiction - Article examining whether persistent online gaming is a harmless pastime or a serious addition. - http://www.wired.com/news/holidays/0,1882,48479,00.html
Ariadne - Understanding MMORPG Addiction - A paper on addiction to massive multiplayer online games by Nick Yee. - http://www.nickyee.com/hub/addiction/home.html