Political Machine
- Strategy game in which players take on the role of campaign manager for a US Presidential candidate. Offers game information and technical support.
- http://www.politicalmachine.com/
GameFAQs - FAQs, cheats, reviews, images, and a message board. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/data/919648.html
IGN - Screenshots, cheats, FAQs, reviews, news, and a message board. - http://pc.ign.com/objects/639/639851.html
GameSpy - Review, news, cheats, and screenshots. - http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/the-political-machine/
Game Industry News - Reviewed by Alison Miller, score: 4 out of 5. - http://www.gameindustry.com/review/item.asp?id=466
Wired News: Campaign Game Mimics Real Life - "Your job: to steer your man or woman through talk shows, ad purchases and stump speeches, from the early weeks of the campaign through Election Day." Mini review discusses gameplay. - http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,64625,00.html
GameSpot: The Political Machine - Provides game review, cheats, and screenshots. - http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/politicalmachine/