PC Gameworld - Preview by Michael Askounes. "...it's almost a lock to say that Rise of Nations will be a must-have game for any fan of civilization-building titles." - http://www.gwn.com/previews/gamepreview.php/id/22/
Rise of Nations - Reviewed by John Breeden, score: 4½ out of 5. - http://www.gameindustry.com/review/item.asp?id=141
UGO - Previewed by Eric Eckstein. "Rise of Nations sounds hot..." - http://ugo.com/channels/games/features/msgames02/riseofnations.asp
GameSpy - Previewed by Dave Kosak. "The whole of human history on our lunch hour? We can't wait until lunch." - http://archive.gamespy.com/previews/march02/riseofnations/
GamePro - Previewed by Dunjin Master. "You can look forward to spanning the centuries without spending almost as long to play." - http://www.gamepro.com/computer/pc/games/previews/26165.shtml
WorthPlaying - [9.3/10]. "Lives up to the hype it created for itself." - http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=10942
Counterglow - Reviewed by Sean, [A-]. "Everything good from other RTS games and brought it together cohesively." - http://www.counterglow.com/article.php?id=rise_of_nations
Rise of Nations Heaven - Previewed by Angel Spineman. "...a very innovative and unique game with many features that cannot be found in any other [RTS] game on the market." - http://ron.heavengames.com/library/articles/e3-2002_preview/index.shtml
The Entertainment Depot - Previewed by Ryan Newman. "Without a doubt, this one will be huge." - http://www.entdepot.com/pc/riseofnations/preview.php
IGN - Previewed by Dan Adams. "Either way, at this point, it's really looking good." - http://pc.ign.com/articles/376/376691p1.html