1UP - News, images, videos, and cheats. - http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3147217
GameZone - News, interview, and screenshots. - http://nds.gamezone.com/gamesell/p29521.htm
GameSpot - Review, by Alex Navarro: "Cooking Mama is a cute, charming little cooking-themed minigame collection, but it lacks direction and depth." [Score: 6.9 out of 10] - http://www.gamespot.com/ds/puzzle/cookingmama/review.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=gssummary&tag=summary;review
GameFAQs - FAQs, saved games, reviews, images, and a message board. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/data/931435.html
Wikipedia - Article describing gameplay, game modes, and the sequel. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking_Mama
GameStats - Videos, screenshots, article links, average scores, and a message board. - http://www.gamestats.com/objects/794/794729/
IGN - Videos, screenshots, cheats, FAQs, reviews, news, and a message board. - http://ds.ign.com/objects/794/794729.html
GameSpy - Review, cheats, screenshots, and a movie. - http://ds.gamespy.com/nintendo-ds/cooking-mama/