Level 80 - Starfox 64 - Includes some hints and cheats. - http://www.level80.co.uk/n64starfox.htm
Gamespot - Coverage of the game including review, hints and screen shots. - http://www.gamespot.com/n64/action/starfox64/
Star Fox 64 Review - Review by Scott's Addictions [2/10/97] "Don't get me wrong... I think Star Fox is great!" - http://www.tiktok.com/pages/game_addictions/97.10.02_star_fox.html
Video Game Reviews - Links to reviews - http://www.videogamereviews.vg/nintendo_64_review/star_fox_64.shtml
Star Fox 64 - Consumer reviews. - http://www.epinions.com/game-Titles-Consoles-N64-All-Star_Fox_64
The Starfox Database - Chat, message board, poll, fan artwork, fan fiction, backgrounds, music, character information, tactics, and links. - http://sfx64.com