r1ch.net anticheat - An anti-cheating system for Quake II designed to stop all known hacks. Works with three popular Quake II clients to provide a fair gaming environment for everyone. - http://antiche.at/
Tenebrae - A modification that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to Quake. Includes downloads, screenshots and progress reports. - http://tenebrae.sourceforge.net/
Jake2 - The Quake 2 engine ported to Java. Includes screenshots, downloads and progress reports. - http://www.bytonic.de/html/jake2.html
QBism - Modifies Quake 2 source code via the QFusion project. Uses Quake 3 format media maps, models, and shaders. - http://qbism.com/
Action Quake 2: The Next Generation - One of the most used Action Quake2 variant in Europe and Australia/New Zealand. Successor of the german PGBund Edition and the british Barrysworld Millenium variant. - http://aq2-tng.sourceforge.net/
The Gloom Map Depository - Maps, information, news, and reviews. - http://www.planetgloom.com/gmd/
Echon.org - OpenGL-only engine modification designed to improve the game with technologies such as shaders and advanced particle effects. - http://www.echon.org/
R1Q2 - Engine modification focusing on providing a secure, stable and high performance client and server. - http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/r1q2/
Vortex - Deathmatch and Capture the flag where players build a character by gaining experience points. - http://www.planetquake.com/vortex
QPong - A modification based on Pong. Includes downloads, screenshots and a forum. - http://www.planetquake.com/teamreaction/qpong/index.shtml
R1CH's Quake 2 MODs - Includes project information and downloads. - http://www.r1ch.net/q2/
Roll Your Own - A program designed to create mods. Includes downloads, a forum and mod information. - http://tarot.telefragged.com/ryo/
Quake2 Cluster Project - Project to develop a common API among Q2 mods. Includes downloads and a mailing list. - http://www.planetquake.com/logic/
Window Of Retaliation - New episode for Quake2. Includes 9 new levels, new weapons, some new enemies and a few puzzles. Can also be played in DM. - http://www.planetquake.com/roseville/
Planetgloom - Includes maps, downloads and a forum. - http://www.planetgloom.com/
TagYerIt: One Against Many - A server-side deathmatch mod. Includes mod information and downloads. - http://www1.shore.net/~steqve/qm/tagyerit.html
Lithium II - A server-side mod. Includes downloads, news, a FAQ and a web board. - http://www.planetquake.com/lithium/
NIQ (No Item Quake) - Server-side mod which completely removes all items from the game. The server controls which weapons all players have, making the game play emphasize fighting skills. - http://www.planetquake.com/niq/
Weapons of Destruction Info Page - Information and FAQ for "Weapons of Destruction", a Quake 2 modification. - http://nettrash.com/users/kosh/wodinfo.htm
Mod Central - Includes mod news, reviews, interviews, and guides. - http://www.planetquake.com/modcentral/